Chapter 2 - Pizza Date Part 1.

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It was the sound of your alarm that woke you, and you reached across your bed for your phone. Squinting as your eyes adjusted to the light as your screen lit up, you groaned as you noticed the time, 10:30. Dropping your phone to the bed as you turned to lay flat on your back. You stared at your ceiling for a moment, wanting to roll back over and go back to sleep. You hadn't got back home until nearly 1 last night, and had opted to have a shower before going to bed to save time that morning, so hadn't fallen asleep until gone 2am.

Your phone dinged, and your hand searched through your sheets, your stomach dropped at the thought of it being Colby texting to cancel your plans.

Hey! Hope I don't wake you! Can't wait to see you today! You smiled, apparently Colby was still the sweet guy you knew from when you were kids. You often regret that you had listened to your parents and cut off contact with your once closest friend.

Colby's message definitely gave you the motivation to push your bed sheets off you and climb out of bed.

Hi! No worries, I've just woken up! I can't wait either. Anything specific you want to do today? You typed out your reply. You threw on a hoodie and stepped out your room onto the landing.

Your phone dinged again as you reached the bottom of the stairs and started towards the kitchen.

I'll let you decide! I don't really know Kansas anymore. Where's good to eat at?

Okay, I'll think of something :) See you soon. You text back.

Sweet! Yeah, see you soon. He replied back.

You slipped you phone into the pocket on your hoodie as you entered the kitchen, noticing your mom sitting at the breakfast table.

"Morning, Mama!" You exclaimed happily, moving over to where the cereal was kept.

"Morning sweetie! You seem happy this morning."

"Yeah, I'm excited to be off work for a week now."

"Any plans for today?"

"Yeah.." You answered hesitantly as you poured out some cereal into a bowl. You and your parents hadn't spoken about Colby for a few years now, and you wondered only now about what they would think about you hanging out with him.

"Mom, you remember Colby, right?" You asked slowly.

"Colby... Brock? Yeah, why?"

"Well, I saw him yesterday. He's back in Kansas on tour or something." You paused briefly. "He asked if I wanted to go to lunch or something today."

"Y/N, I don't know if..."

"Mom, it's just to catch up. I haven't seen him in ages, and besides... I doubt he's still getting in trouble making stupid videos anyway."

She stared at you for a moment, before saying "okay."

"Okay? That's it?" You questioned.

"Yes Y/N. You're old enough to make your own decisions, but you were just out with friends if your father asks, okay?"

You laughed "thanks, mama."

You sat down opposite your mom and began eating your cereal. "What time are you working today?" You asked her.

"I'll be leaving in a few minutes." She replied. "Your sister's at soccer practice, so please remember to lock the house up if she's not back."

"I will, mom."

Your mom got up and went to the sink to wash her mug, "okay, I'm going to go now! Have fun with Colby." She came over and gave you a quick kiss on your cheek.

"Bye mama!"

You began to think about where you should take Colby today. Maybe we should get pizza or something and then hang out in town? You asked yourself. I hope that's not too boring for him now that he lives in LA.

You then came to the realisation that you didn't even know what Colby did in LA will he be offended that I don't know what he does? You asked yourself. You remembered that someone had mentioned to you some time ago that Sam and Colby were on YouTube.

You pulled out your phone, intending on looking up his videos on YouTube, but you noticed that it was almost 11 o'clock. I need to start getting ready soon.

Finishing off your cereal, you washed your bowl before returning upstairs to start getting ready.

1 hour later...

You double-checked your phone again as you were tidying your room whilst waiting for Colby to arrive. Your phone dinged as you finished putting your make-up away in its bag. It was a text from Colby.

Hey, I'm outside! :) It read.

I'll be right out! Quickly grabbing your bag and house keys, you dashed out your room and down the stairs. Opening the front door, you saw Colby waiting in a car at the end of your drive. He saw you and waved at you, you waved back before turning to lock the front door.

You walked down your drive and opened the passenger side door.

"Hey Colby!" You said as you got into the car and buckled yourself in.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked.

"A little tired, but good thanks. What about you?" You looked up at him as you finished with your seat belt.

"Yeah, I'm great thanks! How was work last night?"

"Okay, two assholes started fighting, but that's pretty normal for a Friday night at that place."

Colby stared at you blankly for a moment "you often have people starting fights in a grocery store?" He asked, looking confused.

"What? No, I do two shifts a week in a bar downtown." You explained.

"Oh." He laughed, and you were caught off guard for a moment by his beautiful smile. "Makes sense!" You laughed with him.

"So, what did you want to do today?" He then asked.

"Well I was thinking we could go get food at some point, I know a good pizza place. Other than that I'm not sure! The city's not really changed much since you left, still as boring as ever!"

"Okay, I'm down for pizza." He said, before going silent for a moment and looked out the window. He seemed to be deep in thought, but after a few seconds he looked at you again.

"Hey, why don't we go up to that park that we always used to go to when we were younger?"

"You remember that?" You asked him.

"Yeah! We used to spend all our summer breaks out there exploring." You smiled at the memories of the two of you running through the woods playing hide and seek.

"You remember that den we built out of branches?"

"Oh yeah! Then we realised the leaves we used were poison ivy!" You both burst out laughing at the uncomfortable memory.

"Thanks for not noticing until after we sat on them for a while, Mr Boy Scout!" You said jokingly.

"You've still not let that go, huh? It's been what – 12 years?" Colby groaned, before laughing again.

"So, what do you want to do first, the park or pizza?" He then asked.

"Let's do food first." You replied.

"Okay." He said as he started the car. "Here." He picked up his phone and unlocked it, before passing it to you. "You pick the music!"

You opened Spotify, and saw Panic! At The Disco on his recently played list.

"Panic!?" You asked him.

"Hell yeah!" He smiled, so you pressed play. You laughed as he immediately started singing along, but soon found yourself singing along as well.

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