Chapter 14 - Night Out Part 2.

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Warnings: Talk of past alcohol abuse. Cursing.


Colby's POV

I felt anger pulsing in me as I stared at the back of Brennen's head as I grudgingly followed him to the bar. I didn't like the way he spoke to Y/N back there, and it kind of killed my mood for tonight. I honestly wanted to ditch him and hang out with Kevin, Aryia and Y/N for the rest of the night.

"Dude, can you be a little less obnoxious around Y/N?" I asked Brennen as we made it to the bar.

"Colby-" Brennen started, but I cut him off.

"You were acting like a dick to Y/N back there. She's a Kansas girl, Brennen, she won't stand for that arrogant bullshit." I gave him a serious look, hoping to get through to him that I wasn't joking around.

"Alright, fine..." Brennen said sheepishly. "Sorry man." He apologised, which I was surprised at as he usually wasn't one for saying sorry.

"It's alright, man." I sighed, deciding to forgive him for now, his apology wasn't really mine to forgive anyway.

"She already has you whipped, huh?" Brennen joked.

"Brennen." I said warningly, scowling at him.

"What? I've never seen you fall this hard before." He laughed.

"Whatever." I scoffed, and Brennen's smile dropped when he realised I was getting angry again.

"Have you told her that you like her yet?" He asked.

"No, I don't want to make things weird between us." I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't even know if she likes me back, and I've known her since we were practically babies. I..." I trailed off.

"What?" Brennen pushed.

"I've never had these feelings for her before. I don't want to ruin our friendship, or let the fans scare her away." I admitted honestly.

"I think you're making it a lot more complicated than it needs to be, brother." Brennen said whilst patting me on the back.

"Maybe you're right." I let out a small laugh as I tried to signal down a bartender.


Reader's POV

"Why aren't you drinking tonight?" The question came from Aryia after Kevin had also left to get a drink, and I turned to look at him. "If you don't mind me asking of course." He added hastily as he realised he was probably over-stepping.

"No it's okay, it's just not really my thing anymore." I answered vaguely whilst looking away, hoping he'd drop it. However, his response made my eyes cut back to him instantly.

"Me neither."

"You...?" I stopped as I wasn't sure how to phrase the question.

"8 months sober." He answered honestly.

"That's amazing!" I was in awe of his resilience, but it also made me feel bad about caving.

"What about you?" He queried.

"Trying to work on drinking in moderation, I guess." I chuckled.

"That's just as admirable. The most important thing is realising that you needed to change." You smiled at his encouraging statement, it made you feel a lot better.

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