Chapter 23 - Retail Therapy

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Reader's POV

I woke to the sound of my alarm going off somewhere in the distance, and I groaned at the noise that I despised so much. Creaking my eyes open, I blinked at my surroundings as my tired mind tried to gain its bearings. I sighed as my alarm persisted, and snuggled into what I assumed was Colby's warm bed below me. However I startled when it shifted slightly, and I opened my eyes more only to see that I was lying on someone's chest. Confused and trying to recall how I came to be asleep on top of someone, I pushed myself up carefully so I didn't jostle the person below me. My jaw dropped open a little when I made out Colby's handsome features.

"Handsome? That's new..." There was no question that Colby was attractive, and I doubted that many people would ever argue against that. The surprise came from me thinking those things about him... Especially after not considering him as anything other than a good friend for the twenty plus years that I had known him.

"Why was I starting to have these feelings now?" It was an important question for another time; a time where I was more awake and ready to deal with my emotions. Right now, I had to figure out how to get off of Colby without waking him.

"I'm sure he was just being polite last night, and didn't want to wake me after I had fallen asleep on him." Manoeuvring myself slowly, I managed to lift myself up off of my friend and shuffled down so I was sitting at his feet. I searched around for my phone when I realised that it was still blaring away. It sounded muffled so I stood to check that I wasn't sitting on it. Listening carefully when I still couldn't find it, I turned to look at Colby when I noticed that the sound was louder when I shifted closer to him.

I debated on what to do for a moment, but I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of someone moving. I looked down to see Colby stirring, and he stretched out before opening his eyes. I was met with a soft smile the moment he saw me standing over him.

"Morning." He breathed sleepily.

"Hi!" I responded with my own smile.

"Were you planning on murdering me or something?" He laughed lowly. I frowned in confusion until I realised how weird I probably looked hovering over him like I was.

"Oh!" I giggled, before rushing to explain. "I think you're lying on my phone."

"Shit... I'm sorry." I felt bad for making him get up so quickly as he pulled himself up stiffly.

"It's okay." I assured him as he dug through the blankets and cushions for a few seconds, before finally managing to locate the device. I thanked him as he handed it over, and was glad when my alarm was finally shut off.

"You can go back to bed if you want! I need to go get ready, anyway. Kat's picking me up in an hour." I told him after checking the time on my phone.

"Nah, I should probably get up anyway." Colby responded. "I'll make you breakfast while you start getting ready."

"You don't have to do that." My heart warmed at the gesture even though I didn't want him to go out of his way to make breakfast seeing as he seemed to Postmate everything.

"I want to." Colby denied adamantly.

"Alright, fine." I gave in with a moan, but smiled brightly. "Thanks, Colbs."

"No worries." He nodded, before shuffling passed me towards the kitchen.

Fifty minutes later I was sitting on the couch, ready and waiting for Kat to pick me up. Breakfast took longer than Colby and I had expected as he realised that he didn't actually have anything in to make the meal. I felt bad and tried to stop him as he got ready to walk down to the shop a couple of blocks away, but he still insisted stubbornly so once again I had to give in.

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