chapter 15

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It's been three weeks since the traumatic accident happened, they were all back to school now. Everyone was doing well already except for Jannah, she still has an arm sling supporting her left arm. they decided not to talk about what happened because if ever they talk about it, guilt sorrounds Miro. everyone decided to focus on their academics for awhile after what happened. Elyan and Vauna were busy because of the upcoming event that's happening in their school, they're part of the ssg that's why they need to lend a helping hand. Miro and his friends were practicing for the upcoming championship in soccer. Lyssa was chosen as a representative for the upcoming game too so she's quite distracted by badminton. while the others, they're busy on their studies.

"what do you think the X stands for?" Aubrey asked Julian who was scanning her notes while fidgeting with her pen. they were on the library since it was their vacant time.

"I don't know, X-men?" Julian jokingly answered, her eyes still stuck on her notebook. Aubrey smacked Julian's head using her pen while making an annoyed face.

"grow up." Aubrey said after rolling her eyes, Julian laughed and mimicked her causing them both to laugh. obviously, they were too loud and the librarian heard them. the librarian glared at them and mouthed "last warning." with her blood red lipstick evident on her lips. the two looked at eachother and cannot control their laughter, that's why they decided to get out of the library before they get kicked out infront of many people.

Lyssa and Miro were at the cafeteria holding their almost finished energy drinks in their hands, they had the same practice schedule and they were obviously done for today's practice. they settled down at a big table and wiped their sweats. when they were in the middle of chitchat. Fatima, Jannah, Elyan, and Vauna approached them with their bags. they sat down with them and decided to join in.

"H-how's your arm?" Miro questioned Jannah who was struggling to take off her bag so he helped her. Jannah nodded as a thankyou and sat down infront of him.

"it's getting better. the doctor said I can take off the sling anytime next week." Jannah answered while smiling at Miro, comforting his worried heart. Elyan eyed them while smirking, she then hid her smirk and coughed fakely.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you both, but we have a task to do." Elyan said while smiling fakely, grabbing both of their attention. the group noticed how both of the latter avoided eachother's gaze, they chuckled while pretending they didn't noticed something. they were about to start discussing when they noticed two persons weren't there yet.

"where's Julian and Aubrey?" Vauna asked the group and everyone shrugged. Fatima then checked the gc and saw Aubrey's message.

Aubrey: can't attend the "meeting" this afternoon. sorry guys, family's going on a dinner tonight.

Fatima then informed the group and they nodded understandingly. so they were waiting for one person. speaking of that "one" person, she came in barging inside the cafeteria. she was clearly running because she was panting when she reached their table.

"sorry. I forgot. about our meeting. and was about to go home. ugh, I can't breathe." she said while pausing every second and then sat down beside Lyssa who was the last person at the long chair. everyone was shaking their heads side to side and decided to let it slide this time since she made effort.

"sooo... about the numbers." Lyssa said, turning her gaze to everyone. everyone turns to her and then looked at Fatima who was facing her laptop.


"right. the numbers. well, they seemed to look like a passcode to me." Fatima said while typing on her laptop. everyone nodded, agreeing with her statement.

"but... to where? or what?" Vauna questioned with her face scrunched in curiosity.

"well that... we can't answer that yet, we'll still have to find clues." everyone then nodded and looked at the picture of the sticky note in Elyan's phone, scanning it, hoping to find clues. everyone pondered and think of possible places that could possible be the answer but there was none. until,

"wait... what if, this is a place? try searching it up on the gps fatima." Elyan said making Fatima search speedily on her laptop. she typed it on her gadget and 5 places immediately showed on the screen. everyone turned to look at the screen and looked at the places that were displayed on the screen.

"wait... isn't this the restaurant near our school?" Julian said while pointing at the one of the pinned places. everyone turned to look at her and she quickly went her way to Fatima and snatched her laptop. she zoomed in the place and it was indeed the restaurant where she always eats at.

"well, are we going to investigate this place or just stay in this boring cafeteria?" Miro said while grabbing his and Jannah's bag. everyone nodded and stood up leaving the table.

since they were hungry, they decided to have a meal there. it was just a few blocks away from their school so they arrived quicker than they thought. they went in and settled down in a table near the counter, scanning the place to look for something suspicious. they ordered a family meal and shared it. it's been an hour since they were inside the restaurant but there were still no clues popping up inside their heads. everybody was full already and they decided to split up the bill.

Julian volunteered and went to pay in the counter with their bill. she noticed that they had nice uniforms, after she recieved the change she smiled at the counter lady who smiled at her first and went back to their table.

"looks like there's no clues here..." Jannah said while sighing after taking a sip on her beverage. everyone nodded with frowns on their faces.

"well atleast, we're very full!" Miro said that made everyone chuckle in agreement. they stood up from their seats and scanned the restaurant one last time.they decided to go home already since the sky was getting darker. everyone bid their goodbyes and separated ways.

everyone was already at their houses and were in their perspective rooms, when their phone rang informing them someone was calling. all of them checked their phone and answered it. it was a group call from Julian.

Julian: guys!!! oh my fucking god!!!

Elyan: you're destroying our eardrums, what do you need and why are you so loud? geez.

Vauna: spill the tea sis.

Julian: wait, may I ask who remembers the employee's uniform on the restaurant we dined in earlier? like who remembers it really clearly.

Miro: I didn't saw their uniforms...

Fatima: same

Jannah: was it like red? nah, don't remember it.

Lyssa: I do, it was kinda like...

before Lyssa could even finish her sentence Julian quickly cut her off and rambled.

Julian: save it! Lyssa, i need you to come here at my place as soon as possible. I need to discuss something with you!

Lyssa: wait, like right now?!

Julian: yes! I'll send you the address. text me if you've arrived already.

Julian then ended the group call and grabbed her laptop and phone. she quickly ran downstairs on their living room and looked at the picture on Yuree's IG briefly. she has to make sure she was right and wasn't hallucinating because of the delicious food they ate earlier. she remembered the counter lady who smiled at her earlier and remembered her uniform. it was very similar to what was Yuree wearing on her pic on her IG.

I think I know why the number lead us to that restaurant...

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