chapter 21 (last chapter)

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"On today's hot news! Berriens University's principal, is sentenced to be prisoned in jail for a lifetime. yikes! it was said that, he abused and raped a minor in their well known school. what a shame, considering he was looked up by many students. tsk3x. evidences were found by a group of highschool kids which were injured because of his men.
remember, rape happens because of rapists. not because of what you're wearing or because you're drunk. rape happens because there are rapists."

They cheered their hearts out in success and turned off the television. the group were at Fatima's crib, waiting for that exact news to release. and when the news finally did release, they couldn't be any happier. finally, after months of sufferings and confusions. thanks to a single sticky note, they saved a life. "he deserved it." Vauna said while munching on her chips. everyone laughed and nodded agreeing to what she said. "I'm glad everything's solved now. I wish Yuree is happy too..... up there." Aubrey said and everyone went silent, looking at eachother with smiles on their faces. feeling somehow proud.

"alright! cut the drama! we're here to have fun and celebrate." Fatima said to everyone while holding her can of soda in the middle of the table, holding it up high. everyone laughed and followed Fatima, they clinked their can of sodas together while saying, "for our success!" they then cheered and emptied their can of soda. when they looked at eachother's eyes, they bursted out laughing, feeling joy spread all over the atmosphere.

in a moment in your life, did you ever just wish, time could stop? like you hope this day would last forever? you're enjoying this particular day that you wish it just wouldn't end? yeah, that's what they were feeling at the moment. the feeling of enjoyment mixed with fear, but a good kind of fear.

everyone was doing their own business now, some were playing video games, some were chitchating, someone was asleep and some were enjoying the moment. suddenly, Elyan had the urge to go to Fatima's balcony. she wanted fresh air. so she stood up and went on her way to Fatima's balcony. she slowly pushed the glass door and went to the railings. the cold breeze of wind immediately greeted her to which she closed her eyes and savored the moment. not to mention, the view was breathtaking.

"you're too engrossed at the moment that you didn't notice me huh." a feminine voice spoke up, making her flinch a lil. she landed her eyes and saw Lyssa, also looking at the view infront of them. there was a moment of comfortable silence in the air. the two didn't dare to break it and enjoyed the atmosphere that they were in at the moment. but ofcourse, someone has to break it.

"wowwwww it's beautiful in hereee." Jannah said before bombarding compliments, admiring the view. "not as beautiful as you." Miro said while tailing behind her. they both stopped and looked at eachother until Jannah brought up her hand to pinch Miro's side. the two that were chilling near the railings looked at the both of them with scrunched faces. "ew." they both said in unison and laughed.

6 months later....

days, weeks, months had passed already since that tragic happenings. they were much better than what they were before. the school made sure to provide them free stuffs and such. the group were still going intact and their bond became stronger after everything that happened to them. although they were busier than before, they never forget to inform each other what's going on with their lives. sometimes they go out to eat and reminisce.

Fatima and Jannah were promoted as the head captain of the cheerleaders. Lyssa, won alot of competition already in badminton, she and Lexi started to go out on dates and such things couples do and she couldn't be happier. Vauna, let's just say, her and Louis's bet turned into reality. they completely fell for each other that they stopped pretending and turned everything real. she's still focusing on her studies though. Elyan, published a new book and guess what? yep, success. plus her parents bought her a car so she goes on adventure every weekends. she's the busiest in the group.

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