chapter ten

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Harry's POV 

I sleep in the next day, which is surprising because I never get to sleep in on weekdays, I always have too much work. I assume father will be spending the day trying to get me out of this marrige, and mum will be trying to calm him down. 

I grab my phone and check the time, 10:13. I missed breakfast, so there's no point in going to the dining hall, and lunch isn't for another few hours. If no one came to wake me up, that means I'm free for the day. 

I have nothing to do, and I don't want to bother Louis or wake him up. I know Zayn, Niall, and Liam are awake, so I head down to the kitchens first. 

Its not a far walk there, but if you don't know you're way around, you will get lost immediately. The kitchens are well hid, I'm not sure why, but its difficult to get to them. You have to go down a set of hidden stairs, then you reach a door and you go through that, you walk for a couple minutes and then you reach another door, and there they are. There's an elevator in the kitchens too, it leads straight up to the serving room. When they are done with the meals, they put them onto a cart, send someone with them into the elevator, then they come back down and continue cleaning or cooking. There's also a back door that is used to bring in shipments. The trucks have to drive down a tunnel to get to the door to drop off the weeks worth of food. 

As I walk through the kitchen everyone greets me, and people tell me in what direction I can find Niall. I find him staring at a young chef in disbelief asking exactly how the chef burnt the chicken. 

"Hey Niall, come here I need to talk to you." The chef sighs in relief, probably glad he won't be getting grilled anymore. 

"Whats up Harry? I was just about to make that chef pee his pants." 

"Yeah about that, you're supposed to be teaching them, not trumatising them." 

"He burnt the chicken! I couldn't just let him the hook, that chicken has been sitting and getting prepared for three days! It was supposed to be you're dinner tonight!"

"Oh, you mean you're dinner. We all know that on chicken night you join us at the table. No wonder you're so mad, he messed up your dinner." 

Niall smiles sheepishly, "yea he did. Anyways, what are you here about? What's wrong, are you ok?" 

"Well... I'm not sure. I met the person I'm marrying, but it isn't a princess."

"What do you mean it isn't a princess?" Niall asks in shock. 

"They got the message wrong and sent over a prince." 

"Oh my god. This is perfect! You guys can get married and be happy and have millions of little babies! Is he hot? What does he look like? Is he here right now? Can I meet him?" Niall would've asked a thousand more questions if I hadn't cut him off. 

"Wow Niall, chill. He is hot, I'll show you what he looks like, he is in his room, and no you can not meet him." Niall makes a face when I say he can't meet him. "If you can get your mouth under control you can." 

"Oh my god. Is he going to be at dinner? He's going to be at dinner and dinner will be all messed up because SOME IDIOT BURNT THE CHICKEN." Niall sends a death glare towards the chef who messed up the food and he looks like he is going to crap his pants. It's a pretty funny sight, but I feel bad for the guy. 

"Wanna see a picture of him?" Niall nods eagerly, so I pull out my phone and pull up the picture I took of him yesterday. He doesn't know I took it, its of him laying under one of the willows with his eyes closed and a flower tucked behind his ear. He looks absolute stunning. "Here." I show him the photo and he studies it for a few minutes before he looks up me with his mouth agape. 

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