chapter eleven

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Louis' POV 

I wake up to the sound of feet shuffling on the floor. I really, really don't want to get up, so I wait for the sounds to stop. Unfortunately, they never do. I open my eyes slowly and try to find out where the annoying noises are coming from. 

"Good, you're up." A loud voice says right in my ear. I groan in response and turn away, trying to get more sleep. "No, no, no." The voice speaks again. "Up you lazy bum, we have planning to do." Planning?

"What are you talking about?" My voice is rough and deep, an affect of just waking up. I have never liked my morning voice. 

I lift my head to find out who I'm talking to, and I find a perky boy staring at me, smiling. I recognize him as the boy from yesterday. Neil. No wait, I'm pretty sure its not Neil. His actual name slips my mind, so I decide calling him Neil is better than nothing. Eventually he will correct me and I'll relearn his name. 

"Harry's birthday. His parents had planned a huge surprise party, invited everyone he knows, which, mind me, isn't very many people. After he told them he is gay they called that off. Now, it is up to us to plan him a party. I probably should have started sooner, but it all works out considering now I have someone to help me!" Neil says loudly, is he ever quiet? 

Harry's birthday. This is brilliant! I can plan something nice and small for just us and his close friends. Something fun and special, something he will love. Except, I barely know him, so I don't know what he would like. That's ok though, I have Neil to hep me! 

"Alright, when's his birthday?" I question him. 

"Um...that's the problem. His birthday is tomorrow." He replies. 

"What! Are you insane! That gives us..." I quickly check the alarm next to the nightstand. It reads eight twenty three A.M. " less then twenty four hours to plan the party!" 

"Yeah...I know. I was planning on having Liam and Zayn help us, but I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore." 

Oh yeah, Liam and Zayn. As far as I knew, Neil,  Liam, and Zayn are his only friends. I don't know where he stands with Liam and Zayn at the moment, but I'm guessing it isn't good.

"Ok...well we can do this. We have twenty four hours in counting to plan the best birthday party he has ever had. Now tell me Neil, what does Harry like?" 

"Have you already forgotten my name? It's Niall, not Neil." Niall laughs. 

"Doesn't matter, to me your new name is Neil." I reply, laughing just as hard. 

Niall laughs and brushes it off, telling me if I want to call him Neil then I can. 

After sitting and talking for ten more minutes, we decide we should probably start planning. He calls in a maid and asks her to bring us a pen and paper. Less then two minutes later, she's back. 


"I give up Neil! Harry will live without a party for one year." I groan, we have been at this for over an hour and the only thing we have written down is balloons. After an hour, we only have one idea, and it's not even in idea, it's a given that you have balloons at a party. 

"No! We have to have a party for him, he's turning eighteen, he needs a party." He exclaims. 

"Sure, eighteen is a pretty big birthday, but we have no ideas! I don't get why we can't just give him a cake and move on?" I'm already tired of planning, I just want it to be over. 

"Oh my god! We need to get him a cake!" Niall yells, right in my ear. I groan again and Niall just rolls his eyes at me. "Lou, this is his first birthday with you! It needs to be special, it needs to be romantic, fun, and sparkly!" He gasps dramatically, "We need to have sparkles!" 

Arranged Marriage [L.S.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora