There was no response that I could think off, so I just continued to look at him

"You are really good looking" he smiled "I gather that you quit your job and was planning on ending your life last tonight?"

There was a gasp, I was not sure it was from me or someone else. I have never seen such a straight shooter. I felt ashamed, like in some ways he was scolding me.

"So, how about this?" he paused, looking at Sejin with a mischievous smile "how would you like to be part of BTS?"

Silence engulfed us.

Now, I was sure he was joking. I was told that I will meet with the group, their boss, make a statement to the press and will be on my way out. This was ridiculous.

"I don't appreciate being mocked, Sir" I said in a soft voice, there is a limit to what I can take, and I felt like am on edge already.

I have been getting so many calls and messages from my colleagues, so called family and friends. No one was worried but they were curious on one of two things, If I was homosexual or was I really in a relationship with BTS member.

Namjoon frowned, and Jungkook looked like a stunned bunny. His expression was really cute I had to hold back a smile.

"I don't have time for jokes young man" Bang PD continued "I can handle all these rumors, and to be honest this has been the most publicity my boys have gotten for free"

There still was no response from Namjoon and Jungkook. Sejin looked at me with a fond smile, while the other guys stood still with no expression on his face.

"Think about it, I have no plan to expose your personal troubles to media. I will only say that this is false rumor and fans to ignore it for now" Bang PD continued "you don't have to make any statement"

I nodded

"think about it, and for next three days if you are okay you can stay with the team" he said, and then turned to look at Sejin "he is your responsibility until am sure he won't make any rash decisions"

Sejin only nodded.

"but, why?" I asked in a small voice.

"you have talent and looks, like a rough diamond" Bang PD said as he started walking towards the door, but he stood and turned to look at me in the eye.

I was not able to break away from his soul piercing look, his eyes were small, but the intensity was too much for me to handle "mostly because it might be mutually beneficial"

Sejin ruffled my hair, a small yet touching gesture before he followed his boss. "boys, stay here, I will be back in sometime" he said to Namjoon as he closed the door behind him.

Both Jungkook and Namjoon stared at me, one guarded while the other was pure admiration. Both their expression made me uncomfortable.

"Will you stay with us Hyung?" Jungkook asked, and my heart fluttered instantly. What's with this boy and my crazy heart.

"err" I didn't know, I just wanted all this to be over

"You can stay with us" Namjoon said slowly, "If Bang PDnim chose you there must be a reason"

"Can he, hyung" Jungkook's smile widened "thank you" he hugged him tight, and Namjoon only sighed "if he wants to"

They both looked at me expectantly, but I silently shook my head

"Then can I stay with you?" he asked looking at me with the same expression

"NO" both Namjoon and I said at the same time, for very different reasons making the boy visibly shrunk. I felt instant regret.

"You can't stay with him, are you nuts?" Namjoon said in a disapproving tone

"but am worried he will do something" Jungkook retorted

"He will not" Namjoon continued "I don't think he is that stupid, it would cause bigger trouble for you"

"What if he did and we didn't do anything to stop him" Jungkook folded his arms against his chest

"It is not on us" Namjoon said, looking at me in the corner of his eyes. They were both talking as if I was not there, and I was also a bit ashamed for I was thinking of doing exactly what they are talking about.

But it felt nice, to think there were people who still cared.

"Well, it will be on me" Jungkook said, "I can never live that"

I sighed, this was getting way out of hands

"You can't watch over him forever" Namjoon tried to convince the younger "he is an adult; in fact, he is older than us and you can't force him to do as per your whim"

"I am not asking him to say yes, that is his choice" Jungkook argued "all I am saying is I don't want him to be alone for few days"

"I won't do anything" I tried to explain, a small lie can't hurt "I am going out of town today, to my native"

"but..." Jungkook looked like he wanted to argue more but held himself back.

"Why did he ask you to be part of BTS?" Namjoon asked suddenly, he couldn't hide the glint of jealousy in his voice. They trained for years, struggled through a lot to debut. "Have you auditioned before?"

I shook my head, honestly, I was surprised myself.

"it's not fair" Namjoon said in a low voice, more to himself. I can't help but agree with him. I have heard people who train to be idol spend close to 20 hrs a day training and going through a lot of hardships, then again success is not guaranteed.

"I am sorry", I whispered back feeling guilty.

He sighed, "not your fault", clearly torn. "I won't lie and say am happy, but Hyung" his eyes turned serious "there must be something if he is asking you to join BTS, maybe it will be for good. Think carefully before you say no"

This was not expected, he looked more matured now, more grounded than I have ever been even though he was younger. This might be the reason why he was their leader.

"Whatever, You and I" Jungkook looked fiercely into my eyes "we are staying together, until I know for sure that you won't do something stupid"

It was illogical, ridiculous but at that moment my heart started pounding, a feeling of warmth washed over and I only wanted to hold the younger in my arms and reassure him, that it will be okay, I will be okay

Meant to be || JinKookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant