"Fantastic! I'll just chop some peppermint and add it into the mixture and we'll have dinner," Elliot says cheerily, proceeding to pick several leaves and chopping them into tiny bits before scrapping if off the board into the cauldron.

After several minutes, the father and daughter sat down and dug into their meal. "So, you'll be starting school in a month." The man started, picking on his carrot.

"Yup. It's been a lovely Summer holiday." Aine answered, remembering what she had done during her holiday. Aine had helped her father with his work, attending to his needs and being his assistant. She even cleaned her bedroom manually without magic because it was fun. Overall, the holiday was quite busy because she wanted to keep her mind busy so she doesn't think about the time where she unconsciously talked to snakes. It struck her that she should just pretend that it never happened, and forget the fact she had such a terrifying skill.

On the other hand, Aine had heard that the Weasley family was heading to Eygpt to meet Charlie Weasley -- one of the sons of Mr & Mrs Weasley. While Hermione was travelling to France with her parents. She had briefly met up with Luna a couple of weeks ago, and they had spent some time in each other's house, talking and fantasizing about creatures and plants. Aine knew Draco Malfoy was spending his holiday in Paris with his family, but she had never sent a letter to him. He, however, surprised Aine she received a letter with a single picture of the Eiffel Tower with the Sun glowing behind it, she hadn't known who it was at first. But at the back of the picture, was the initial 'D.M'. And there was only one person she knew who had the initials 'D' & 'M'. It was strange to receive something from her friend's enemy, especially since she knew about the rivalry between Draco and Harry.

Harry, on the other hand, had been completely cut off. Aine had sent a letter to him on his birthday, but he never sent one letter to her throughout the whole holiday. It was probably due to the fact that he was living with his aunt and uncle who refuses to be connected to the Wizarding world of any kind. 

"You'll be starting your second year soon huh?" 

"Mmhm," she replies, chewing on the meat, sipping some juice afterwards. 

"Which brings me to this," Elliot said, placing his fork down, he went to the shelf near the stairs and came back with a small little box with a gold ribbon on it. He sat back down and shifts the box towards his daughter. "It's your birthday today, Aine."

She looks down onto the tiny box and up to her father, she had completely forgotten about it because she had been so preoccupied hunting for the ingredients all day. "Thank you." she smiles, and her father reflected her smile.

"Can I open it?" Aine asks, and her father nodded, leaning forward as he watched the girl slowly pull the satin ribbon to unveil the gift. Her eyes widened at the sight of the metal chain with a single raw stone linked to it.

 Her eyes widened at the sight of the metal chain with a single raw stone linked to it

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"Wow..." she gasped, gently picking it up and the warm light shone through the midnight blue stone, and it glowed. "Do you like it?" Her father asks, and she nods, a loss for words. "It's beautiful..."

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