2 : The Waiter

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"So, where are we going?" Bellatrix asked, twirling her wand between her fingers, a stiff and unyielding one. "I'm a bit hungry. We could Floo to Diagon Alley, perhaps, or go visit Reg and Sirius-"

"No!" Narcissa blushed at her outburst. "I really don't want to go to Grimmauld Place. I don't want to see anyone we know today. No family, no friends, nothing. Just us."

Andromeda frowned as she considered the idea. "I don't know where else we could go..."

"Can we, um, maybe walk down the hill to town?" Narcissa piped up hopefully, rising ever so slightly on her tiptoes. "Maybe?"

Bellatrix's nose scrunched up in disgust. "But Cissy, that's a Muggle town. We're not supposed to be down there."

"Great idea!" Andromeda exclaimed, grabbing one hand from each sister and pulling them up the hill. "Let's go."


"Let's go," Andromeda cut over Bellatrix, her eyes hard as she nodded to Narcissa, whose blotchy face had lit up at the prospect of her plan being chosen. "Because that's where Cissa wants to go, Bella, and I think she deserves to pick. Doesn't she?"

Bellatrix's cheeks flushed, embarrassed that she'd let her own opinions come in the way of her sister's happiness. "She does."

Andromeda winked. "Good."


"Where do you want to eat?" Bellatrix glanced around the bustling town with apprehension, an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. They didn't belong, and she knew it. At least they blended in. No one she knew would be caught dead in a Muggle neighborhood, so their secret would stay a secret.

The Black sisters all felt like fishes out of water, like foreigners in a new country. Their surroundings left them with mixed emotions: Bellatrix concerned, Andromeda excited, and Narcissa perplexed.

The town was small, with only a single main road that connected the shops and homes. A paint-chipped sign welcomed the three young women to Normanshire. Strange cars zoomed down it, one nearly hitting Narcissa, who was caught unawares from all the staring. At the edge of town was a small white church, the steeple visible at any address.

Narcissa bit her lip and played with her necklace. "I don't know. I didn't really think this through."

"I've an idea! Close your eyes! We'll let fate decide!" Andromeda grabbed Narcissa by the shoulders and spun her around. Her actions sent the other two into laughter as she spun faster and faster.

"Andi, stop!" Narcissa giggled.

Andromeda obliged and let go. "Keep your eyes shut and point!"

The dizzy blonde came to a slow stop and pointed directly in front of her. Opening her eyes, she saw a small cafe across the main street with a yellow and white striped awning.

"Well, it's settled!" Andromeda said brightly. Her brown skirt swished around her ankles as she began to cross the street, only to be honked at by an angry red pickup truck as Bellatrix hauled her back onto the sidewalk.

"Damn it, Andromeda," she muttered, but quickly broke down into laughter. Her other sisters joined as they waited for the proper time to cross the street.

When they safely made it to the opposite sidewalk, Bellatrix led the group inside to wait for a table. As the oldest sister, she always tended to be the one to do so. She was fiercely protective of her family, especially Narcissa. Both Bellatrix and Andromeda agreed that the youngest Black sister was too soft for a harsh world, and they tried to shield her from it as best as they could.

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