Adult Fears

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I sat on the sofa of our little flat watching the tv at the old horror movie they had on even if most of it had been cut as it was still before lunch, most of the blood, gore and swearing had been cut out not sure why they bothered putting it on honestly. Sam sat beside me wrapping his arm around me to watch the movie too "Kissy?" I asked him

"Kissy" He laughs kissing my cheek before returning his view to the movie "what are we watching?"

"Evil dead" I smiled "want me to rewind a little?" I asked

"No, no don't bother rewinding for me" He smiled "I was just doing the laundry, You have so many pairs of socks... I did not realize that before we moved in together"

"or is it just that you own literally three pairs of socks" I laughed

"I didn't know I needed any more than that" he shrugs

"and how many pairs of underwear do you need?" I asked

"More then four" he sighed "I know that now thank you darling" He smiled kissing my head

"And?" I smirked

"And we throw them away when they have a hole or if the elastic goes" he sighed

"Good boy" I smiled kissing his cheek "You have lots to learn how we're moved out"

"Like what?"

"Like the horrors of... Washing up" I giggled tickling him

"Ohhh no" he whines

"that's the real horror, like you fears as a child our like the dark, monsters, the doctor. whereas when your an adult your just like scared the washing machine will blow up or our bank account gets hacked"

"To be fair there not that different," he says

"How so?"

"as a kid, you're scared of the dark, I'm scared of the check to the power company getting rejected so our house plunges into darkness... or powercuts"

"Good Point, what about monsters?"

"New people, parties are terrifying, and neither of us likes talking to people... how many times have we paid more money for something online because neither of us are brave enough to go into a store and buy something"

"Like what?" I asked

"The sofa? we paid like a hundred-pound more to buy one of Argos because neither of us are adult enough to go into a sofa store and buy one"

"true... I don't like wondering salespeople they come up to me and scare me" I whine

"I know they do darling" He smiled kissing my head

"what about the doctor?"

"We are both still scared of the doctor and don't you dare try to argue with me your not" He laughs

"I'm not scared of the doctor" I whine

"You cried in the car and needed me to hold your hand last time you went in for a blood test?" he laughs

"Yeah and last time you went to the doctors I literally had to use my work lunch break because you were too scared to go alone"

"Okay, as an adult its not so much scared of the doctor its what the doctor is going to do... or tell me"

"Umm I'm always kinda scared when they call me in that there gonna tell me I'm pregnant"

"Ohhh darling that is and adult fear I have every time your period is more than like a day late"


"yes, it terrifies me, if on that specific day of the month you are not bleeding I start mentally freaking out that I have knocked you up"

"It's an irrational fear, because I am both on the pill and we still use condoms"

"still... what if the condom breaks and you forget? what it just stops working? or they replaced the with placebos"

"maybe we are scared off way to may adult things to have moved out on our own?"

"We'll be fine I know we will, and just not worry about stuff, we are adults, it's our house, and no matter what we do our generation is completely and utterly fucked so... it doesn't matter anyway." he smiled giving me a kiss just as he did his phone went off and he grabbed it from the side table next to our sofa "Uuuuhhh... Luna has invited us to a Halloween party at hers" He says

"that could be nice other peoples alcohol, other peoples food, different four walls, heating and electric we don't have to pay for" I suggest

"True... But it says Halloween dress" he says "That means costumes doesn't it?"

"Yeah, and uhhh we don't have any," I said

"Can't we just like... wear normal clothes and claim to be nerds? or hipsters?" he suggested

"Deal" I smiled nuzzling on his shoulder more "Love you" I giggled

"Love you too" he smiled 

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