Drum Kit

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I sat trying desperately to watch my show but not with that damn racket going on above me. I paused my show and slipped on my slippers being careful as I got my still not used to all my weight being so different and my centre of gravity having shifted, I went to the kitchen searching for painkillers for my now splitting headache. But I couldn't find any I could take so I made myself simply a glass of water drinking it most of it as I walked from the kitchen to the staircase setting the glass on the sideboard with the slowly dying flowers, I tipped the rest into there vase in the hope it would keep them alive, I felt bad but flowers always die in this house. I grabbed both handrails pulling myself step by step up the stairs I trudged down the corridor looking at all the rooms till I reached the one causing the racket I could hear everything but mostly the drums that shook the floor of my little house, I knocked but no answer. so I pushed open the door seeing the freshly painted white walls, the rolls of white wallpaper with flowers and sweet animals still rolled in the corner, the crib constructed in the corner and filled with toys, the changing table still in it's box with the tools beside it, and on the other side sat the drum kit where sam sat going at it like he was a rock star on stage, his laptop beside him on a folding table on skype with his other friends that he used to be in a band with all of them playing there instruments too, I did love them all the band had been broken up about four years now but they all like to skype each other and play, they all broke up because everyone was getting older with other commitments, marriages, Mortgages, moves you know big grown up life stuff. I did find it sweet they all still play together, However My headache didn't. 

"Sam" I yelled but he couldn't hear me "Sam!" I yelled again but nothing "SAM" I yelled again but still nothing I sighed letting out a clear breath before filling my lungs "SAM!" I screamed making him and everyone else on the call stop immediately, he stopped grabbing the cymbal to make it stop ringing 

"Hi Honey" He smiled 

"Sam...." I warned stepping closer "Didn't I tell you to build the changing table an hour ago?" I asked 

"Ooooooooooohhhhh" the many voices laughed on the computer them all knowing Sam was in trouble 

"I was but then... the guys called. I'm sorry honey." He says "Wait, wait come here" He says so I went over seeing everyone on the screen in there houses and everyone could now see me "Look at her, isn't she cute" He smiled caressing my tummy everyone then got excited talking about it, I kinda forgot we hadn't told them all yet "she's due in October, and were so excited for baby" He smiled giving my tummy a kiss 

"Sam is overjoyed he can't stop showing my tummy off to people" 

"I'm not allowed to get excited about watching baby grow?" 

"I know" I laughed "But we have stuff do to so I'm sorry boys I'll have to take your drummer away" I laughed 

"no worries you rest y/n" 

"You take care"

"give baby bump a kiss for me Sam"

"Bye guys" we both waved before shutting his laptop down 

"Come on Mr, changing table. and get this kit moved into the shed like I told you"

"I know, I just... wanted one more go with it before it goes out to the shed."

"I'm sorry Sam."

"I know it's okay y/n, this is babies room now. Not for my junk. It can go out in the shed and I can go out there so I don't disturb you two"

"Okay" I smiled giving him a kiss "its fine once baby comes and is seetled maybe we can get looking for somewhere... with more rooms, or a garage for your kit" I smiled 

"Yeah maybe, but if we have more rooms and I put my kit up in one of them well just have to... move it for her brother when he comes."

"Her brother?"

"eventually" he smirked stroking my tummy 

"Umm. lets deal with little Lillian first Sam. then we can worry about giving her some siblings." I smiled giving him a kiss

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