Big steps

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~your pov~
~2 days later~

I was in the bathroom,crying my eyes out. "No no no please!" I silently screamed. I just took a pregnancy test and it was...positive. I sat there with my knees against my chest. Someone knocked. "Hey, you alright there lil mama?" It was Gamzee. I was quiet. He walked in and kneeled down beside me. "Gamzee....I-I'm...I'm pregnant" I said bawling. He looked ready to snap."I'm sorry I let this happen its my fault why was I so stupid this never would've happen if I just-" I started. He hugged me tightly to his chest. "You're not stupid and this is not your fault. I guess we're just going to have to make a new addition to the family then" he said. I looked at him. "Y-you want me to keep it?" I asked. "Of course lil mama. Abortions ain't cool,and I've always wanted to start a family with you" he smiled. This made me feel so happy inside, know that Gamzee loved me so much. Enough to start a family with me. "Wait..there is a possibility the baby could be mine" he started. "Yknow, I didn't exactly pull out..". I hugged him. "I hope it is yours" I said. "If not, it'll still be cute like you" he smiled. The way he makes me feel is just amazing, I feel safe around him. I feel wanted. Like I have a purpose. "We should start thinking of names!" I exclaimed. I felt so much better now that Gamzee was fine with this. "Alrighty, let's start lil' mama" he said as he picked me up bridal style, carrying me carefully to his room. He set me on his bed and I got a pencil and some paper out. "Alright, boy names first!" I said. "Hm well, I kinda like the name Alex " he said. I smiled and wrote that on the paper. "That's cute gam! Hmm I kinda like the name Kellan" I said. He smiled and nodded as I wrote that down as well. After an hour of deciding names, Kurloz got home. He walked into the room. "Hey guys, whatcha doin'?" He asked. Me and Gamzee looked at each other. "Well, you know that thing that happened with sollux?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me confused. "Well...I'm..pregnant.." I said, looking down. His eyes widened. "You are? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked. "Well kinda both I guess" I replied. I was still really confused about this situation. I don't know how to be a mom, I didn't have that support from my mother. "Well we can all figure this stuff out tomorrow. We'll sit down and talk about this" he said. He walked out of the room and Gamzee put an arm around me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't know what to do..." I said. "listen to me (Y/N), you're going to be a great mom. I know you will. You're sweet, caring and attentive. And I promise you I'll do everything I can to make sure our baby grows up in a safe environment" he said, looking at me. That made me feel so much better about this whole thing. "Thank you Gamzee, that means a lot. You're going to be a pretty amazing dad too" I smiled. After that, we cuddled and I fell asleep in his arms. His warm embrace made me feel so safe, like nothing could hurt me anymore. I love him so much, and I never want to lose him.

~next day~

Thank the mirthful messiahs it was Saturday. I was still laying in bed with Gamzee, his arms around me. Suddenly, I heard someone cheering and then Kurloz burst through the door. "Guys wake up! This is amazing come on!" He said. Gamzee yawned and sat up. "Shit bro, what's all up an got you so happy?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. " I just got paid a ridiculous amount of money! We can get a house now and we won't have to live in this shitty apartment no more!" He replied. Gamzee looked at him. "For real? That's great!" He said. "You can go back to sleep now, I'm gonna start looking for a house" he said, absconding once again. Gamzee and I layed back down, smiling. "Gamzee this is great" I said, sighing happily. "I know. See, I knew we'd figure somethin' out to make sure our baby is raised proper" he said. I hugged him close. "I love you Gamzee" I said. "I love you too lil mama. I love you so much" he replied, smiling. Gamzee is the most amazing person ive ever met. Im so happy he is a part of my life. Kurloz is pretty great too i mean, he made me happy and shit when know. The makaras are amazing people, you have to really know them to see it. Im so happy i fell in love with gamzee.

-time skip, gamzees pov-

(Y/N) fell asleep in my arms again. She's so beautiful, I'm glad I have her. I got up out of the bed and went to the kitchen, starting to make pancakes. I mixed up the batter and threw some in the pan. Kurloz walked in the kitchen, sitting at the table. "so, i found this place. It's not too far from here actually" he said. I smiled while cooking. "That's wicked bro" I said. This is a chance for us to start over, forget the bad shit That happened along the way. As Kurloz and I were talking, a sleepy (Y/N) walked in. "What are you guys talking about?" She yawned. "oh kurloz found a place for us. Not too far from here he said" I smiled. "that's great!" She beamed, walking over to hug kurloz then coming up behind me and kissing my cheek. She sat at the table and I made plates for everyone.

After we were done eating, kurloz went out again. He said he was bringing someone over, the last time he brought a girl over i couldn't fucking sleep the little nasties were so loud. But anyway, (Y/N) and I finally decided on the names. If it's a girl, her name will be Miracle (you should've saw that coming). And if it's a boy, his name with be faygo!( GAMZEE WE TALKED ABOUT THIS THATS NOT HIS NAME!) god okay...we decided the boys name would be Max (Gamzee: I still like the name FAYGO). I hope I make a good parent....

Okay so hey everyone! I forgot to update this and I'm soooo super sorry! I feel like a major dick for forgetting! Ndirhsodjwxhsixhs but anyway I'm glad you guys like it! Also, I made a website/blogsite and it would mean a lot if you guys checked it out! It's
Thank you all and goodbye <3 ))

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