Special Extra: Bidding

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AN: This was in my deleted draft and didn't make it to the official story due to some reasons. However, I got bored and decided to just publish it now for fun. Unless you're a late reader but congrats.



Just a lovely day in the sunny weather with everyone gathered outside in one place. Tables are set up everywhere and a variety of fancy food is offered to guests. It seems like a normal tea party among the nobles except that it's not.

It's a special event held by the Karalis family and hosted by the only star, Anastasia.

"Mother, father!" The young girl runs out to her parents that greet the guests by the entrance. "How is it going?" She jumps with joy and smiles eagerly. Her violet eyes glitter in great delight, knowing that this special party will go well.

"It's going great," Anastascius responds and pats her head. "As expected of my daughter" He smirks and she giggles while thanking him.

"Well, of course, she planned this all by herself!" Diana praises her and hugs her tight. "I didn't know I would raise an amazing daughter!"

"Mother, you're overexaggerating" Athanasia laughs awkwardly and averts her eyes to the side.

Today will be like none other where rich nobles will bid on various items donated by talented people all over the world. An antique vase or a rare ingredient, they had all kinds of items given by kind people for this auction. Athanasia has always thought of this and intends to donate to charity. After all, she's a kind soul that likes to give.

"Anyway, you should talk to your guests and persuade them into buying the items" Diana whispers, and her daughter nods.

"Ok!~" She kisses her cheek and turns around as she waves them goodbye. "I'll go now!"

"Good luck!~"

"And remember to not get too close to the wild beasts!" Anastascius warns, basically telling her to stay away from the boys as usual. Athanasia shakes her head in great disbelief but wasn't surprised as she walks away while Diana scolds her husband in fury.


Anastasia talks to her noble friends normally and even speaks with the parents like a real host. Making sure everyone is comfortable and good so the auction will go well. Though all the walking around and commanding the maids would tire her out but she pushed through it.

"I'm glad that you're generous enough to attend this party" She uses her charm on the girls and they squeal in excitement at her attractive smile.

"How can we not come? This is an event hosted by you and a charity for the children! Oh, you are so brilliant and magnificent!"

"Haha..." She chuckles in awkwardness and breaks a sweat from their compliments while she breaks away from the crowd. "Excuse me while I check up on the other guests" She curtsy and at the same time, someone calls out to her from behind.

"Lady Anastasia, how are you?"

She turns around slowly with a hard grin and faces the person directly. "Ah, Ijekiel. You can drop the formality, it's ok since our parents are business partners" She exclaims and he stiffens as his expression changes.

"Ah yes. That's right, Anastasia" He exhales and looks at her with the same soft eyes. "I see the party is going great"

"That's correct" She nods and continues the conversation regarding his comfort since he is one of the richest noble in the country.

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