The Secret Mission

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I wander the compound, waiting for the time to pass by. As I pass the lab, Tony and Bruce stare at screens trying to pin-point Loki's location. Steve and Barnes are training in the gym, Sam in one of his counseling sessions, Nat on a solo mission and Barton at home, for a quick trip to visit his family. I leave to your imagination the location and activities of Wanda and Vision. As I count off everyone on my fingers, I realize that leaves me with Thor.  Immediately I retreat to my room, the need to be alone overwhelming my hunger.

Only a few hours pass before a message is played by F.R.I.D.A.Y,
"Ms.YLN, Mr.Stark requests your presence in the Laboratory."


"We've got a hit on the location.", Tony declares.
"How do we know he's not gonna disappear again?", Bucky voices everyone's thoughts as we make our way to the Quinjet.
"I didn't have enough time to figure out what happened so I don't-"
"I'll lure him in.", the intense gazes of each head in the Quinjet makes me want to squirm. I wonder how Steve can handle making impromptu speeches in this condition.
"Uh, yeah, that's an N-O-. No. As in not happening.", Tony is quick to respond.
"We'll split up like last time. But this time don't engage. Don't let him know you're there. Signal everyone and once everyone is there we can corner him.", he pauses looking around for someone,
"And this time, we have Wanda!", she smiles as he turns to her.
Whatever you want, Stark. I've already made up my mind. He's obviously tipped off his location to meet me. So that's what's gonna happen, whether I want it to or not.

As soon as we have assigned areas, we head out of the jet. I grab a water bottle and shove it into my holster at the last minute. Settling my back against the brick wall far away from the dumpster, I twist the cap, making a show of taking a long, satisfying drink.
"Someone's thirsty.", he smirks, indicating something else. I almost smile.
"You have 60 seconds before I call them.", I look straight ahead of me, feigning a careless attitude.
"I'm the God of Mischief, do you really think you can fool me into thinking you do not care?", he pauses as he walks to face me. I turn my gaze to where he stood before, not daring to look into his eyes.
"Are you gonna talk? Or should I leave? "
"Won't you signal your little band? Let's play again.", he replies, taking a step closer. His tone takes a playful turn. I huff and turn towards where the jet was parked. He puts a hand on my wrist and his unearthly strength effectively stops me in my tracks. The bracelet cracks, slides off me and falls with a clink. I turn around just in time to see him say,
"I'm sorry", my face contorts in confusion as he pulls me towards him.
The darkness doesn't take hold of me silently. In fact, it takes it's time and amplifies it's torture as noise surrounds my sensitive ears.


"I'm going down to where she is. We shouldn't have let her go alone in the first place.", Tony speaks through the comms.
"Tony, ", Nat pauses, reconsidering the situation. She believes in her friend, knowing she's kind but strong.
"Walk faster", she finishes, knowing the kindness taking hold of Y/N's heart once again would overpower her anger. Just as the words reach Tony, an alert sounds in everyone's ears.
"What in the name of Odin?"
"Everyone has to get to Y/N's assigned spot. NOW!"
Wanda, Vision, and Tony get there first.
"Okay, Anaconda, you're starting to get on my nerves.", as the others gather and surround Loki, Wanda steps closer, ready to strike. Everyone stares at the limp body in Loki's hands, there one minute, gone the other...

Hi everyone,
So my updates will be delayed. I will try to write as much as possible. Found some extra time on my hands today and thought I would type some of the story up. I would love some constructive criticism! And as always, Thanks for reading .

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