A Concerned Capsicle

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3rd person Point of View: A few hours before you find Loki...
"You gonna go talk to him? Or should I?"
"Nah, you went last time right? I got this.", her lips form a full-fledged smirk as she winks and catches up to Steve as I wait for the others to filter out.

She reaches him in a few, quick strides and gently places a hand on his shoulder.
"What's up?", she feigns a cheery but curious mood, choosing her words carefully. Ignoring the question, Steve walks faster. Irritated that she must resort to light jogging to keep up, she keeps probing, this time more directly,
"Steve, you know I won't let you off the hook as easily as Y/N.", with another huff he ducks into one of the hallways and crosses his arms in front of him, leaning against the wall,
"What do you want, Romanoff?", she looks into his eyes, trying to gauge his anger.
"We've captured Loki before, he doesn't even have an army this time. What's got you so worried?", just as she starts to think he won't answer, Steve lets out a defeated huff,
"I couldn't care less about capturing Loki. But don't you see how the two of them have gotten closer?", she didn't have to ask who Steve was referring to. The rest of her smile disappeared.
"They've grown closer and she's finally opening up to us because of it. What if he betrays her? She can't go through that again.", he unfolds his hands and looks towards the hallway just as Y/N passes with a stupid grin on her face. Not wanting to worry her, they give her a halfhearted smile and wave back.
"I know she's opened up to us because of him. But we've all created a friendship with her. Just because Loki's gone, doesn't mean she'll cut us off too. ", he nods but doesn't seem convinced,
"Come on Steve, she's a big girl, she can take care of herself. And if you want to help, then we better get to the jet fast. Stark's gonna leave us behind if we don't hurry.", feigning carelessness for his sake. As she walks alongside Steve, her thoughts are the same as the rest of the team. Hoping Loki has gained common sense and empathy for at least one person in this Tower.

Sorry, it's a short chapter. The next one will be here soon! Please comment and vote. I am always open to critiques. Thank you for reading!

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