nineteen | ❝the yule ball❞ pt. 2

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"i wish they would play something more upbeat, you know? like the bake a cake remix or some shit?"

cedric shook his head amused as he effortlessly glided you across the white dance floor around a smiling viktor and hermione.

whenever the two of you would turn, your eyes would meet harry's, his cocky gaze and smirk making you feel equal parts irritated and flustered as he twirled parvati.

"cedric, lift me," you ordered, "i am not letting hairy pothole win."

the sixth year grinned, his hands swiftly moving to your waist. cedric spun you around, the feeling of being moved in the air making you laugh with glee.

students gasped, the sight of your gown floating around you like plumes of f/c mist, captivating all.

especially harry.

you landed and the champion's first dance was over, it ended quicker than you'd like to admit.

"cedric, thank you for this spendid time," you curtsied jokingly, "i shall never forget this moment."

he bowed and kissed your knuckles with a small smirk. "and i too, shall never forget this moment," he whispered.

the two of you embraced, a cute moment that was quickly ruined by someone pulling you away.

"draco, you extra son of a bi-"

"i hate to say this, i really do but..." he paused, taking a shaky breath and holding his face in his hands. "you deserve all the attention to tonight," he looked at you, tears streaming down his face. "you look great and that's on period."

"d-draco?" you gasped. you put your hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a trembling smile.

"that's the nicest thing you've ever said to meeeeeeeee!"

"that's the nicest thing i've ever said to anyoneeeeeeee!"

the girls approached you two, surprised to see their friend and their other 'friend' sobbing whilst hugging each other.

lavender giggled, "oh, y/n, we're kinda matching!"


you turned to face her, your friends backing away as you examined lavender's awful attempt at copying your style.

"oh no, baby girl, that ain't gon' work..."

you pulled out your wand out of nowhere and hermione approached you quickly in shock.

"y/n, no-"

"y/n, yes-"

"parvati, don't encourage her!"

lavender panicked, "wait! what are you- oh..."

you snorted loudly as lavender's dress morphed into a massive chicken costume, her face barely showing through the small gap at the front.

she clucked, her 'wings' flapping up and down as she frantically ran out of the hall past an approaching harry, ron, and padma.

"oh, y/n, you terrifying angel," potter sighed. you shrugged your shoulders as he took your hand, pulling you towards him with a smirk.

"you owe me a dance, l/n."

"well, you owe me 10 galleons-"

"shut up-"

"make me-"

"GET A ROOM!" ron yelled, "you guys need to just kiss already, i can't stand you guys tiptoeing around each other anymore!"

hermione scoffed, "that's a lot coming from someone who also tiptoes around a certain someone!"

"what's that supposed to mean!"

"you know what!"

draco sipped from a glass of giggling water intrigued, his eyes darting back and forth between granger and the weasley.

padma also seemed to enjoy this drama, a glass of the magical beverage also in her hand as the two giggled girlishly together.

harry edged backwards, his hand still in yours as the two of you silently dipped from this heated conversation.

the gryffindor common room was empty, the younger year groups asleep in their dorms.

you kicked off your shoes and lazily collapsed onto the sofa in front of the lively fireplace pulling harry down with you. potter collapsed beside you with an 'oomph' and you chuckled at the blush covering his cheeks.

he scoffed and hid his head in your shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as if the fireplace wasn't warm enough for him. "you're so fucking annoying," he mumbled.

"shut up, harry, you love it," you joked.

"yeah, i know..." harry was silent for a moment before reaching pressing a small kiss onto your temple.

you shifted slightly to look up at him, the limited space forcing your faces dangerously close together.

"you missed."

it was a subtle movement you almost missed - harry's green eyes looking downwards for a second before looking into your eyes.

"yeah... i know."

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