Chapter Nine: The Captive's Duty

Start from the beginning

“I thought you don’t want to torture her or stain her with wounds? What kind of mind do you have that you always change it from time to time?”, Helga sighed.

“Well, torturing was never my forte, that was Shinji’s fetish. But, I enjoy seeing people die immediately. The surprise look on their faces are even more exciting to see than their screams!”, Ardius made a very disgusting look on his face.

“For being one of the masters of the Galion Alliance, you’re the creepiest of them all”, Helga said. “We won’t have much time to take the other candidate. Besides, the other one won’t be as effective as hers. She’s our perfect captive”, she finished.

“What are you saying? Celestial Wizards are all temporary masters to the spirits. Considering you are once a Celestial wizard, you know how the contract lasts right?”, Ardius circled around her with a grin. “Helga, you know that a Celestial Spirit can only be separated from servicing their masters, if the wizard freed them or…..”, he went closer to her ear. “If the wizard dies…right?”

“How did you know…of that?”, beads of sweat was forming on her petite face.

“Didn’t you know? I’m a Celestial Wizard sweeper. During the incident in Zentopia, before Oracion Seis aimed other Celestial Wizards to claim the Key of the Starry Night Sky, I killed many Celestial Spirit Mage before them”, Ardius grinned.


“You should be thankful that your powers vanished when your other ability was proclaimed. You could have been dead by now…by these cursed hand”, Ardius showed his red coloured hands when he took his gloves out.

“Definitely, I can see why you’ve hid yourself from the Council for thirteen years. You’ll be sentenced a horrible death if they caught you”, Helga said.

“That is, if they can lay a hand on me”, he smirked before leaving out the door. “Tell me if you’re going to kill that wizard. I would love to have the best seat”

“You’re an idiot. If you think that we’ll have another chance with this, you’re wrong”, Helga returned to monitor Lucy’s condition. “I know how this works for I too, am a Celestial Spirit Mage once. Opening gates is a tough job to do, more so with two. But for this woman to be able to grasp ten golden keys and opening three at the same time….she surpasses all the others I know, even myself”

“Whatever, once we succeed in thrashing the Council and killing the whole Ballam Alliance, I will have that woman’s flesh to myself”, Ardius said while licking his hand in a perverted way and completely closed the door.

“Lunatic”, Helga sighed and looked back to what she was doing. Looking at Lucy’s over-all evaluation in the monitor, she looked at her pitifully. “Such a waste”

Helga left Lucy in her bed when she’s finished reviewing her abilities. She told her assistants to leave the room as well. Thinking that Lucy won’t be able to do anything since her body is strapped down and her hands were linked together, she closed the door to tell her masters about her discovery.

After a few minutes when the room is quiet, Lucy opened her eyes.


“What should we do now?”, Erza asked.

“We can’t act if we don’t know where to look for them”, Rogue said.

“He’s right. We can’t even smell Bunny Girl’s scent anymore”, Gajeel crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s like she disappeared leaving us hanging in the open like this”

Tales of an Adventure: Joining Hands: Allies and Foes (NaLu Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now