Chapter 15- Broken Souls

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Warning: Minor swearing and mentions of abuse. If you're sensitive to this subject, skip to the huge emoji thingy and read from there.

Katie's POV (2 years ago)

"I can't believe you!!" I shouted at him

"Well what did you expect?! You were so caught up in your stupid pitching that we never go out anymore!" He yelled back.

"Oh yeah, like you're any better with that damn track team!" 

"Well at least I'm good at it! Tell me, Katie, when was the last time you threw a strike?!"

"I-... I don't know."

"Exactly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to go see my real girlfriend. You know, the one who actually cares about me."

He walked away, leaving me red-faced and in tears. 

The next day was no better. He kicked my rammed his shoulder into me multiple times, tripped me in the hallway, and bumped into me, making me drop my lunch. 

At the end of the day all I wanted to do was slap him.

"Katie! Katie wake up!"

My eyes burst open to the sound of my dad's voice. 

"O-oh. Morning, Dad. What's for breakfast?" I asked him.

Smiling he replied, "Pancakes, bacon and eggs."

"Yum! I'll be down in a sec."

"Alrighty, sweetheart."

Time skip (after breakfast and on the way to school)

"So... do you have any idea what you'll be learning today?" He asked me, obviously trying to start a conversation. 


"Oh... well... are you finally gonna try out for the softball team?"


"O-oh... okay then. Are you excited for anything today?"


The car stopped in front of the school. I looked at my Dad. 

"Listen, I know it's been hard since Mom died and that Gunner kid left you-"

"CHEATED on me. He CHEATED." I corrected him

"Right.. cheated. Anyways, I want you to know that I still care and you should too." He unlocked the door and I got out, but before shutting it I said, "Katie loves you."

He smiled and said, "Karlof loves you, too."

That was our inside joke. See, my dad used to have a speech impediment where he would refer to himself in third person. That was, until he met my mom. According to him, she was the prettiest girl he'd ever met and once they started dating, -and I quote- "She was so beautiful that it scared the speech impediment right outta him"

I shut the door and went inside for class.


I turned around and saw Gunner running towards me. 

Following my instincts, I zoomed into the classroom and hid. Unfortunately, he found me pretty quickly.

"Listen here," he said, grabbing my wrist, "Normally I would punch or slap you as soon as I could, but not today. Because today I need your help."

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now