"Why?" Chaeyoung asked skeptically.

"Because he didn't wait until after leaving granny's house to reveal himself!"

"That is so not the moral of Little Red Riding Hood."

"Yeah, well, whatever. My metaphors are fucking gold."

"No, your metaphors are shit."

Sana dramatically pointed to the door. "Blasphemy. Get out."

Chaeyoung cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Yes; I grow tired of your presence. Leave my apartment at once!"

"You are a capricious bastard." Chaeyoung stood up and stumbled when her surroundings spun. "The hell…? Why am I so dizzy?"

"Don't drive. I may or may not have put rum in the iced tea." Sana  cackled when Chaeyoung bumped into the doorframe before staggering out. "Oh Sana, you are too good."


Chaeyoung unlocked the door and immediately stumbled over her own feet, stubbing her toe in the process. "Damn it all to fucking hell!"

Jihyo glanced up at her clumsy entrance. "You okay there? Need me to call an ambulance?"

Chaeyoung grumpily sat down. "No. Sana spiked my drink, though."

Jihyo frowned. "That…sounds like something she would do."

"I know, right?"

"Someone dropped off a package for you, by the way."

Chaeyoung stopped mid-yawn. "Really? Who?"

"He said he worked for Mina's family. It came with a note."

Chaeyoung bounded over to the table and ripped the note off the bag.

"Dear Chaeyoung, I thought this dress would look beautiful on you. I hope you like it. Crystal M.," Chaeyoung read out loud.

Jihyo gaped at her. "Crystal Myōi? As in the famous designer?"

"Also known as Mina's  mother."

"She sent you a dress she designed herself?" Jihyo squeaked.

Chaeyoung held up the silver cocktail dress. "Yep, looks like it."

"How can you be so nonchalant about it? Do you know how much a Crystal M. original costs?" Jihyo sputtered.

Chaeyoung shrugged. "Looks nice, though."

"Just nice? It's a work of art!"

Chaeyoung regarded the dress once again, looking puzzled. Jihyo pouted. "I want to date Mina ," she muttered.


"Chaeyoung! If you don't leave in ten minutes, you're going to be late!" Jihyo's voice traveled through the apartment, reaching Chaeyoung as she was getting ready for the wedding.

"I heard you the last fifty times, woman! Who do you think you are, my mother?" Chaeyoung shouted back.

"I'm letting you borrow my car, I think I deserve a little more respect than that!"

Chaeyoung ignored Jihyo's shout and stared at herself in the mirror, pretending Mina  was standing in front of her. "So, Mira , how was Kansai? By the way, did you know the bride and groom used to torture me in high school?"

Chaeyoung scowled, her reflection grimacing back at her. That was too defensive. "Mina , I'm in love with you. I also plan on destroying your sister."

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