Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Light brown eyes, glazed over with boredom, absent-mindedly traced a trail of a condensation droplet down the glacier edge that was the side of a glass of iced tea.

Said orbs widened in surprise when a palm slammed down forcefully, breaking all tranquility and causing the drop of condensation to plop onto the lacquered surface of the table.

Chaeyoung looked up accusingly at Sana . "You killed that drop of water!"

Sana raised her eyebrows. "Say what now?"

Chaeyoung paused and shook her head. "Never mind."

"Can you stop moping for one second and talk to me like a sane person?"

"What do you think we're doing right now?"

"I'm talking and you're not listening. I just confessed to drugging your drink so I can sell you for profit to a tribe of scantily-clad dominatrix women in the Amazon and you didn't even blink."

"No, I heard that; it just seems like something you would do."

"Well, I'm trying to be a good friend here."

"Trying—and failing," Chaeyoung said wryly.

Sana shrugged. "Not my fault you're such a big baby. You've talked to Mina  every night and you're seeing her tomorrow—what more do you want?"

"I don't know, maybe for the crippling guilt to be lifted off my chest?" Chaeyoung sighed.

Sana idly stirred her drink. "You're depressing me."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Please forgive me."

"Nah, don't worry about it. You want to go watch the new movie that's out—the one about the zombies?"

Chaeyoung brightened before frowning. "I can't. I told Mina  I'd see that with her."

Sana snorted. "Seriously? You want a matching collar for that leash?"

"No, but you could use a muzzle."

"Touché. Speaking of muzzles, I was thinking—"

"No, I would not like to participate in one of your bondage sessions."

"Jeez, I get caught one time and you just refuse to let it go," Sana  grumbled. "The muzzle is to make sure you don't tell Mina  about your little deception until after you get back from your romantic getaway to Grandma Myōi's house."

"Apparently, it's a mansion," Chaeyoung mused.

"It could be a straw hut and the old woman would still kick you out for breaking her granddaughter's heart. I bet she has security dogs patrolling the perimeter; rich people always do in movies," Sana  said.

"Dogs love me."

"With some fava beans and a nice Chianti, maybe."

Chaeyoung sighed. "I don't want to wait to tell her, though. I've put it off long enough."

"Want some advice?"

"Not really—all you ever seem to do is insult me."

"No I don't, moron. Anyway, think of it like Little Red Riding Hood—you know, the whole going to Grandma's house thing."

"Am I Little Red Riding Hood? You know I can't pull off the color red," Chaeyoung said sarcastically.

"No, Mina  is because she suits her. You're the big bad wolf stalking her, and there's a reason why the big bad wolf fucks up in the story."

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