Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Chaeyoung couldn't control the smile that was threatening to split her face in half. She practically waltzed into her apartment before quickly looking around to make sure no one had seen her.

No such luck; Jihyo was grinning widely at her. "Someone seems happy."

Sana poked her head out from behind the refrigerator door. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just got laid—which would make you a dirty cheater."

Chaeyoung plopped on the sofa next to Jihyo and looked at Sana in annoyance. "If I got laid—which I didn't, by the way—why wouldn't it be with Mina ?"

"Because then you'd be sporting a black eye after she punched you for dumping her after sex. That is the plan, isn't it?" Sana looked at her slyly.

Chaeyoung sighed. "Can't I be happy for no reason?"

"No, that's weird."

Jihyo nodded in agreement. "Although you might be happier to know that our little experiment is almost done."

"What, did you guys get tired of stalking me?" Chaeyoung asked dryly.

Sana  made a face. "No, my boss threatened to fire me if I skipped one more day. Besides, we know everything we need to know."

Chaeyoung hesitated. "Actually, I figured some stuff out, too."

"Good for you," Sana  said dismissively. "Now, from our observations, you like to feed Mina —"

"—you can't keep your eyes off her—" Jihyo added.

"—you totally lose your cool around her—and we saw you walk into that car, by the way," Sana  snickered. Chaeyoung scowled in embarrassment.

"—you want to be around her all the time—"

"—you get possessive when someone flirts with her, but you trust her enough to know she won't respond—"

"I think the results are obvious," Jihyo  finished triumphantly. "There's just one last test."

Chaeyoung had slight whiplash from looking back and forth between Jihyo and Sana  as they spurted out their observations. "Just how long have you guys been stalking me? And what test?"

Jihyo and Sana  exchanged nervous glances.

"You do it," Sana muttered.

"I can't. I have a job interview tomorrow and a broken nose a good impression does not make."

"I didn't know you needed an interview to become an escort."

"You think you're so funny—"

"What test?" Chaeyoung interrupted heatedly.

Sana sighed and shot Jihyo a dark look. "Fine, I'll do it." She turned to Chaeyoung. "Don't hit me, please."

"Why would I—" Chaeyoung uncharacteristically squeaked when Sana lunged forward and kissed her.

After the initial shock, Chaeyoung shoved Sana  away, causing her to topple to the floor. "What the hell, Sana !"

"Fucking ow." Sana  rubbed her side and shot Jihyo a pitiful look.

"Quick, what was the first impulse you had?" Jihyo demanded.

"Uh, to punch Sana  in the face?" Chaeyoung said.

Sana blanched.

"And when Mina kisses you?" Jihyo asked.

"I don't feel like punching her in the face, if that's what you're asking."

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