Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"The frontal lobe is responsible for one's emotions and personality—" Yuri was cut off by the bell. Notebooks were slammed shut and chairs pushed back with noisily as the students began packing and rushed out the door, most pausing to give Chaeyoung lingering glances.

Yuri looked cheerfully at her assistant. "How do you find your job so far?"

"I went around offering extra help to anyone who needed it before." Chaeyoung looked confused. "A lot of them asked to meet outside of class. Is that normal?"

Yuri laughed. "I've learned a lot about hormonal teenagers after teaching them for twenty years. I have a feeling that the only biology the students are interested in is how the body works—more specifically, your body. To them, you're the best thing that's happened in class all year."

"Oh. Well, I guess it's a compliment…" Chaeyoung trailed off.

Yuri patted her on the shoulder. "If I were you, I would plan on being the subject of the school's rumor mill for the next week or so."

High school, Chaeyoung mused, never changes. Whispers and giggles still followed her through the hallways, except this time, she was being showered with adoration instead of insults.

"Oh my god, did you see the new teaching assistant? So hot."

"Tell me about it! She has a motorcycle—I would kill for a ride."

"I'm so jealous! Fuck, dropping biology is the worst decision I ever made."

Chaeyoung smirked. Talk about ego boost; she could easily get used to this.

She heard a familiar accent and jerked to a stop. Myōi Mina was at her locker, surrounded by at least ten girls. It seemed that like her sister, Baby Myōi was also the most popular girl at Twice.

"Mina, how was your dinner date with Bambam on Friday?"

Mina closed her locker. "Boring. All he did was talk about himself and stare either at his reflection in his spoon or at my breasts. I finally decided enough was enough after he tried to grope me under the table."

"That pervert! What did you do?"

Mina laughed. "I dumped my lobster bisque into his lap and told him to keep his pervert hands to himself and out of my skirt…in front of the entire restaurant."

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow. Oh, Baby Myōi was feisty.

Mina sighed. "It doesn't matter. He was probably all talk, no action, just like nearly everyone else in this school."

A short girl laughed. "I think you need a completely unrestrained, wild sexual fling with somebody older and more experienced."

"Yeah, like Dr. Sagizawa's new assistant. I bet she's fantastic in bed." The girls giggled. Chaeyoung coughed. It was one thing to plan to seduce a student, but it was quite another to hear them speculate about her abilities in bed.

Mina looked curious. "What makes you think that?"

"Chaeyoung's fingers are long and slender—the perfect combination, if you know what I mean." The short girl wiggled her fingers obscenely.

"I heard she's going to medical school. I wouldn't mind playing the nurse to her doctor."

Mina laughed. "You're horrible."

"Her voice is the definition of sex," another girl interrupted. "I thought I was going to die when she spoke to me. But she's kind of brooding and distant—she spoke only about five words to me."

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