Chapter Fifteen

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The last month had gone in the blink of an eye and, suddenly, it was already mid-July.

As the days passed by, the school year was coming to an end, and it seemed like so was Ye Jin and Bin's relationship.

Ye Jin had fought incessantly to recover her relationship. She was always trying to spend her free time with him, always trying to show interest in the things he did and always trying to be the one proposing plans for both of them, in order to renew their relationship and bring her Bin back.

But even an inexperienced in relationships boater like her could notice that their boat was sailing with just one oar. They were just sailing in circles and aimlessly. A relationship like that could never go ahead, eventually, the one rowing would run out of strength and the boat would be adrift, shipwrecking.

She would spend hours and hours at the bookstore, looking at him pretending to be busy, when the only thing he had done in days was angrily shelve old books. It was as if they got in his way and he desperately wanted to get rid of them, and Ye Jin was afraid their love would end just as all those books, forgotten in the corner of a shelf.

The classes had officially finished a few day ago, but the teachers had had to stay a little longer before finally be done with all the paperwork and some other school matters.

Son Ye Jin was supposed to leave Hongdo the day after her last appointment at the school, but she had decided to postpone her departure to Sunday, so that Bin could be able to, at least, say goodbye to her.

It was the last Friday before summer break and the Hongdo's Elementary School Teacher Collective had decided to spent their last evening together, before a long and well-deserved rest, at the only karaoke establishment on the island.

It was the last Friday before summer break and the Hongdo's Elementary School Teacher Collective had decided to spent their last evening together, before a long and well-deserved rest, at the only karaoke establishment on the island

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The soiree was being really nice. Everyone was singing, dancing and having a lot of fun; and Ye-jin was willing to enjoy her friends' company, but as alcohol levels were growing up, the thoughts she kept in the depths of her mind, little by little, were coming to the surface.

"A penny for your thoughts," said Gong Yoo taking the seat next to her, just after delighting them all with a dance while Yoona was singing.

Coming back to reality, Ye-jin looked and smiled at him.

"No wonder you and Bin understand each other so well, you're both just as strange." He laughed, without noticing the effect his words had had on Yejin.

"What you mean?"

"Well, we were having so much fun and suddenly you just decided to stay here lost in your own thoughts."

"Don't mind me, I just have so much to think about."

"That's exactly what he said last night! I'm telling you; you've been acting weird. If I didn't know you both well, I'd think that that "so much to think about" is a pregnancy or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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