Chapter Ten

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Ye Jin could not believe it. Bin had a family.

Her mouth, slightly open, drew a breathy sigh and her ears couldn't heard anything but an increasing buzz.

They were still looking at each other from afar, but she broke their eye contact to take a quick gaze of little Hee-young. Yejin tried to swallow but her mouth was already dry.

Yoona, who had notice how her friend had turned pale, touched Yejin arm and shook it slightly to get her attention.

"Ye-jin. Ye-jin, are you ok?", she asked worried.

"I'm sorry. What?", a disoriented Yejin said.

"Are you ok?", Yoona asked again.

"Yeah", she cleared her throat and head by shaking it. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to take this box to the back stage".

She took the full of paper flowers box with her shaking hands and walked hurriedly behind the main drape to keep Hyun Bin out of sight.

Suddenly reality hit her. She had kissed him. She had kissed a married man. She had kissed the father of her student. She had done the last thing she had ever imagine she would do.

How in hell had that happened?

How the hell he had forget to tell her that little detail?

And what the hell she was going to do?

"Let me take that", Gong Yoo told her taking the box in his hands. "Are you ok, Ye-jin?"

Her growing anger finally brought her out of shock.

"Yes. I'm fine", she nodded. "Do you need help with something?"

Yejin spent the rest of the festival helping behind the scene, there was no place for anything else but make sure everything went perfectly for the kids, the parents and the school.

She tried so hard to fight the thick mist around her, it was like a veil full of confusion, anger and pain enveloped her, and she couldn't help but asking herself over and over again about how they let that happened.

How was it possible that she never ask him about his family? How was it possible that she never talked about her job? Those were simple questions everyone ask when meeting someone, everyone but them.

For the first time in years she had let a man get so close to her, and everything went wrong.

Truth be told, she was hurt. She was so hurt.

She had become the only persona she never wanted to become, all because of a man and, in the process, she could have hurt his wife and his sweet little daughter.

Right at the top of all her emotions, there was one that stood out: regret.

Repentance and concern for both, Chung-cha and Hee-young. Yejin had been on their side of the equation once, she knew firsthand how a situation like this could affect a family and the last thing she wanted was to Hee-young to go through the same as her.

God. Everything seemed surreal.

Determination and decisions had to take place. She had to stay away from Hyun Bin no matter what.

As soon as the festival ended, every school worker get down to work to clean, organize and make sure everything was in place.

Ye Jin, Ji Woo, Hyo Jin and Yoona were in charge of packing and saving the props the kids had used. The last ones took a heavy box to the theatre props storage, while Ji Woo and Ye Jin were left packing some other small boxes

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