Chapter One

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7 years later

Ye Jin had just receive wonderful news: the education department had find out a job for her.

After studying English Literature and a PhD in education at Seoul National University for years, she had finally achieve her goal.

Even when she had been a hard working student, to find a job hadn't been easy since she has chosen a high demanded career, in which was not common to hire young and inexperienced people. But she was about to become the English teacher at Hongdo's elementary school.

The director of the education department sounded to be desperate and worried about her not accepting the job. Seemed like every teacher above her on the candidate list, had rejected the position because of the remoteness of the county from Seoul. But it wasn't a problem for her because she had nothing holding on her to her birth city.

Since her parents' divorce, she moved to the student's residence of the SNU and was so focused on her studies that she even earned a place on the exchange program to the US for a semester. When she came back, took the chance to amply her knowledge and started her PhD in education to become a teacher.

And she would finally be able to stay away from the city once again.

"I'm in" Ye Jin told the director with a smile in her face.

"Really? Well, in that case you should come by the office tomorrow morning to fix the details. You have to leave as soon as possible"

With that being said, she hung up the cell phone and jumped onto the sofa she had been sitting on a few seconds ago, just to do her celebration dance.

In that moment her mother and her partner returned to their house from the groceries and surprised Ye Jin in fraganti.

"What are you doing, you silly?" exclaimed her mother with widened eyes.

"Mother, I got a job offer" Ye Jin said coming down from the sofa.

"That's amazing, sweetie. Congratulations"

"That's amazing news, Ye Jin" said her mother's boyfriend.

"I know, right? I'm so excited"

"So, where are you going to work?"

"Hongdo Island", Ye Jin said with a smile on her face.

"Hongdo? Like in Sinan County? " her mother asked.

"The same. I've never been to Jeonnam. It's going to be amazing. "

"But that's so far away, Ye Jin. You couldn't come home often" her mother said with sad and scared voice tone.

Ye Jin looked intensely at her mother. "It's an amazing opportunity, mom. I had been waiting for this chance. I can't refuse the proposal" she replied, trying to hide the other half of her reasons to leave that far.

After a minute of silence, her mother ask with resignation "And when do you have to go?"

"Director said as soon as possible, tomorrow we are going to do the paperwork, so I assume I'll be leaving in two days or so."

"I see" her mother said as her boyfriend keep quiet, not having anything to say.

"I have to get back to the residence. Maybe I should start to pack. I'll let you know what happen tomorrow, ok?"

Her mother hugged Ye Jin tightly. "I love you, Ye Jin. I wish I could protect and do everything for you. But you're an adult now and I have to let you live your life".

A moved Ye Jin replied "I love you too, mom. Everything's going to be alright".

"Now leave before we make a mess of ourselves" her mother said as she pushed Ye Jin to the door. "Call me tomorrow".

"Oook. Bye guys. And I'm sorry about your sofa, tho" she reply as she went out through their door for the last time in a while.

Author's note

Hello, there!

First of all, I want to thank the people who has been reading this story, I hope you are enjoying it.

And second, I want to apologize. Even when I did my best on research, I'm pretty sure I wasn't able to completely understand how Korea's education system really works. Hopefully, it is not going to be a problem for the story.

Please, let me know your thoughts on the chapter.

Keep safe, yall.

P.S. I'm so happy CLOY and our Binjin receive Baeksang nominations. Let's pray for them to win.

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