The man sees that she won't be moving anytime soon; so he looks to Leo and points the gun at him instead, Leo's face pales and he instinctively puts his hand up in the air. Ravens eyes widen, no! He wouldn't... but what if he does... Ravens mind gets filled with turmoil. No, she can't risk it. Finally she gets out the way.

The man approaches her, "see that wasn't so hard was it?"

"I can't believe you would even consider shooting an innocent man." Raven retorts.

"We do what we need to survive."

"Except your killing yourself by keeping us down here!" Raven yells angrily as she watches the men usher Bee out of the cell, the Camaro makes a quick glance at his friends in the cell across from them, not knowing what the humans have planned for him. Raven is not just going to let them walk out of here. Optimus sees the determination in her eyes and quickly shakes his head side to side, if she saw she ignored him. As soon as the man turns his back, Ravens eyes turn to daggers. She quickly stands up and does a round house kick, hitting the man in the head, causing him to fall to the ground in a heap. Leo watches in horror and back's away, he's never liked fighting and yet here he is, what kind of friend group has he found himself in. The other men aren't given a chance before Raven quickly and swiftly knocks out another one, they cock their guns and one shoots. Optimus thinks it's the end of her when he hears the gun go off, the sound echoing off the stone walls, Ratchet and Ironhide try to break the bars to try and help but they're too thick, they won't budge. Raven though, knows how to deal with these situations. She burns just hot enough to incinerate the bullet before it can pierce her skin, to much of the others surprise she keeps advancing on the man. She's able to disarm him but as she turns on her next target she realizes Bees life is in danger, another man holds a giant gun towards Bees head, one that looks to big for the tiny human, one that makes him look puny even though he's got to be at least 6 feet tall.

"You wouldn't." Raven sneers. "You still need to get answers from him."

"But I would. Haven't you noticed there are three others that we can question, one bot down isn't going to stop us from getting answers."

The distraction gives the men just enough time.

"Look out!" Optimus bellows.

She turns her head but her body gets slammed into the wall, knocking the air out of her lungs. One man grabs her neck and that certainly doesn't help with the breathing situation, the others pin her wings to the wall, her hands immediately go to the mans hand around her neck, he isn't suffocating her, but there was enough pressure to hold her still.

"I thought you were on our side." The man says. "Yet here you are attacking us."

"Because you don't know what's happening! Cant you see your all endangering this planet! I'll do anything to ensure that this planet survives."

The man scowls and starts to restrain her in order to get her back in her cell. Raven watches as they take Bumblebee away. "No! I will not let somebody else I care for die!" Raven kicks out her leg and hits the mans knees whose holding her, his joints buckle and he falls to the ground. It's no use, another man comes and takes his place, they push Raven into the cell with much struggle. They quickly close the door and lock it. Raven hits the bars of the cell angrily, she makes eye contact with the man that's closest to her, and she's happy to see fear written all over this face. She instantly calms down, wait... when have I ever been happy to see fear on someone's face, especially when that fear is caused by me... Raven ponders. She's going against everything she thought she stood for, what would her parents think. She's pulled out of her thoughts as she stares at the lock on the door.

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