"Does it mean anything?" Lisa asked, and tilted her head as if waiting for Jungkook to answer.

Jungkook had no expression on his face.

He opened his mouth and responded calmly, "Jennie and I are siblings".

Lisa didn't respond, she was too emotionally exhausted to show any sort of reaction so she let him keep talking.

"We have the same father, but born from different mothers" he continued, turning his body to face the window as well viewing the autumn  scenery outside.

"We grew up under the same roof, but not together. We were always separated because of our differences" Jungkook said. A small curiosity inside of Lisa wanted to ask what, but she didn't.

"Not being allowed near her I would gaze at her from afar. Even though she was always cold and distant, I've always looked up to her. She was mature, smart, calm, and everything father wanted her to be" he said.

"I thought when I was young I could be the same you know" he chuckled, "but as we got older, I've slowly come to realize that it would never be possible. And the only thing we had in common was our obedience to father..."

"She was everything that I wasn't..... even by blood" he thought and smiled sadly at the last part.

"So you're a vampire too?" Lisa asked.


His fathers disgusted voice erupted in this head, but he nonetheless smiled and responded "I'm half, my mother was human".

Lisa nodded.

He smiled and looked out afar, a longing gaze in his eyes, "do you know what that means, Lisa? " he asked gently.

She shook her head.

"It means that I will never be accepted" he said calmly.

"Accepted? But aren't human and vampire mating normal nowadays?" Lisa asked with her eyes slightly furrowed.

"Things indeed have changed quite a bit from since when I was born. But to this family, it's an ultimate disgrace to be blood bonded to a human. The hierarchy of this ancestry steps on those like me until they're crushed, unable to retract themselves from the ground" he said.

"Then you..." Lisa said carefully.

"I'm an exception. For the reason that I was born, it's essential for me to stay alive... Although I don't think it would matter nowadays" he chuckled at the last part lowering his gaze. Lisa could see the slight humour in his eyes as if he finds this funny... but she could see through it, there was pain.

Lisa slowly nodded once before returning her gaze to the outside. She had this slightly curiosity inside of her, but she didn't bring it up. She didn't feel like asking anyways as she's still somewhat upset.

No one said anything no more, they just continued looking out the window as the wind carried the leaves into the air. Because they both know at that time the other didn't need words. Because one already hurt too much to tell, and one could not understand the pain. Silence is sometimes the best comfort that can be offered.

"Babyyy, where were you?" Deliana pouted her lips and clung onto Jennie, her chest being pressed up against Jennie's arm.

Jennie distanced herself from the girl and replied, "nowhere".

"Well obviously not nowhere, you were gone for the whole day!"

Jennie didn't respond, so Deliana filled the silence.

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