An Accident Waiting to Happen

Start from the beginning

"From what I saw, pretty bad.. he is still in surgery though." She typed a few things in the computer. "He came in around 5:30 am, a police officer found him on the side of the road. From what I was told, the front of his car was pretty bad but 'Don't Stop Believin' was playing."

"Alright.. Thank you. Can you tell us when he gets out of surgery?" Sam asked, the young lady nodded.

Sam and Cas both sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chairs, they were both super worried about Dean.

7 am

At the hospital

Sam was sitting in the uncomfortable chairs nervously, Cas had disappeared a half hour ago to do 'angel business'. He was really worried that Dean wouldn't make it.

"Come on, Dean.." Sam said quietly to himself. As he said that nurse came out from behind two doors and walked over to him.

"You're here for the John Doe, right?" The nurse asked.

"I am, is he alright?" Sam replied.

"He should be, he's asleep now but once he wakes up we have to do a few more tests. You can go see him now though." The nurse said with a small smile.

"Thank you.." Sam stood up.

"Follow me" The nurse started walking, Sam followed her from behind. They walked through the double doors and to a room on the first floor. Sam opened the door to Dean's room, he saw Dean with a bunch of scratches, and bruises. Sam sat next to Dean's bed, he was more worried now than ever.

"Is he okay?" Cas asked from the doorway.

"He should be. Where were you?" Sam asked.

"I was listening to my orders." Cas replied.

"Your orders are more important, than Dean? He was in a car accident, Cas." Sam said.

"Yes. They are." Cas sighed. "I apologize, Sam, but my orders from Heaven are more important than, Dean."

"You know that's not true, Cas. I know you, I've seen how you two look at each other. So don't tell me that your stupid orders are more important!" Sam was angry, and he should be. Cas kept quiet, he looked down at the ground.

"Can you two be any louder?" A familiar voice asked from behind Sam. Sam quickly turned around to see Dean trying to sit up.

"Dean. Are you alright?" Sam asked.

"What happened?" Cas asked.

"I'll be fine.' Dean sighed and rubbed his temples. "I got in a accident, I didn't see the other car driving on the wrong goddamn side of the road."

"They just did a drive by then. A police officer found you on the side of the road." Sam replied.

"How's my baby?" Dean asked.

"The fronts pretty bad from what I was told. It can probably be fixed though." Sam answered, Dean just nodded. A nurse came into the room.

"Hello, I need to take him to do some tests." The nurse said as she came in.

"Don't go dying on us, alright?" Sam jokingly said.

"I won't" Dean replied as Sam and Cas left the room.

The two went outside and stood by the entrance, Sam wasn't as worried as he was before, but Cas on the other hand...

"Do you think Dean will be alright?" Cas asked, Sam nodded.

"He'll be fine" Sam replied.

"What are they doing to him?" Cas asked.

"Giving him tests, I'm not a doctor I don't fully know" Sam said. "He's gonna be fine, Cas"

"Okay... How long will the tests take?" Cas continued asking questions.

"I don't know, Cas. I'm a hunter not a doctor" Sam sighed. "If you love him so much you should act like you do in front of him, not in front of me" 

"Wh-what?" Cas asked confused.

"It's kind of obvious Cas, I can tell you like him. It's obvious to everyone but Dean" Sam chuckled, Cas blushed bright red. "He loves you too, Cas, he just won't admit it." 

"He does?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, you should go wait in his room for him, i'll be out here. Someone needs to tell Bobby" Sam said with a smile.

Cas nodded and started walking inside, he walked into Dean's room, a young women was outside the room writing things down on a clipboard. He walked over to the door and the women looked up.

"You can go on in, he might be a bit loopy, we had to give him painkillers." The nurse said, Cas nodded and walked inside. He saw Dean passed out in the hospital bed, he looked peaceful, it made Cas smile. After a few minutes of Cas staring, Dean began to wake up, and like the nurse said he was a bit loopy.

"Hey beautiful" Dean chuckled.

"H-hello Dean.." Cas blushed.

Dean threw his head back. "Can we leave yeeeeet?" Dean asked like a child. 

"No, not yet" Cas replied.

"But I wannnnna! I wanna go hooome!" Dean spoke loudly.

"Dean, you need to speak quieter" Cas said.

"I don't wanna, I wanna go home and sleep" He lifted his head to look at Cas.

"Just sleep here for now, i'll wake you when we leave" Cas smiled.

"Okkaaayy, can you tuck me innn?" Dean asked, Cas nodded and stood up to tuck him in. As he pulled the covers up Dean sat up and kissed Cas on the lips, Cas was a bit shocked but didn't pull away. Dean laid back down with Cas still standing their in shock, Cas heard a chuckle from the door.

"Told you" Sam said from the doorway.

This took me a couple of days to write and I don't think it was worth the wait..Sorry!

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