Dean..Wake Up..

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Dean slowly opened his eyes, he had no memory of where he was or how he got there. He looked at himself and saw he only had sweatpants on, he also noticed he didn't have any scars on him. No old bullet wounds, no scars from knives, nothing at all.

"Cas? Sam?" Dean called out, no response. He decided to stand up and look around.

"Anyone here?" He called out again. He looked out of the room to see nothing, just darkness, it made him feel uneasy.

"What the hell..." He closed the door and looked around the room, it was just a cozy bedroom. What was going on? Is this real?

In the real world...

Castiel was standing in the motel room, Sam was sitting on his bed doing research while Dean was sleeping in his bed. Cas felt uneasy for some reason, he didn't know if it was because of Dean, who had passed out in the car a few hours ago, or it was something else..

For some reason his connection with Dean wasn't as strong as usual, it was as if they were cut off from each other.

"Sam, are you worried about Dean?" Cas asked aloud to Sam.

"Not really, he's just sleeping." Sam replied.


"Why, is something wrong?" Sam asked.

"I don't know..Dean and I's connection feels weaker..and he just passed out in the car." Cas said.

"We could try to wake him up if you're worried" Sam replied as he typed. Cas nodded and walked over to Dean, he looked peaceful.

"Dean" Cas said as he shook his shoulder lightly. Dean didn't respons, he didn't even wake.

"Dean?" He shook his shoulder a bit harder, still no response. Sam looked up at the two, he started to become concerned.

"Is he not waking up?" Sam asked, Cas shook his head no. Sam decided to stand up and walk over to the bed.

"Dean." He shook him, no response. "Dean!" He continued to shake him.

"He's alive but unresponsive" Cas commented.


"Cas! Sam!" Dean yelled out to no one. He sat on the bed, where was he? How did he get there?

"You're in your mind, Dean" A familiar voice said from behind him. Dean turned to see Castiel.

"Cas? What do you mean I'm in my mind?" Dean asked.

"You're trapped in your mind. I don't know who put you here but it's probably your fault." Cas said.

"What..? Cas, what are you talking about?" Dean replied.

"You're just a screw up, Dean. Whatever happened to you is probably your own fault." Cas said. Dean sat there in disbelief, he didn't even know what he could've done.

"Cas..what did I do?" Dean asked with concern in his voice.

"I shouldn't have pulled you out of hell. You deserved to rot in there for all the terrible things you did." Dean couldn't believe was Cas was saying, he loved Cas, and thought Cas loved him.

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