An Accident Waiting to Happen

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The black Impala 67 drove down a dark street, Dean decided to take a long drive before Sam and himself had to leave. He blasted 'Carry on Wayward Son' By Kansas as he drove around the dark silent streets. He had mainly been focusing on his loud music, he hadn't noticed he wasn't the only one on the roads. It was around 3 in the morning, Dean had closed his eyes as he sung the words as loud as he could with the windows down. He hadn't even notice the headlights coming towards him...

6am At the motel..

Sam's alarm went off, he sluggishly sat up and hit snooze on the alarm. He looked over to Dean's bed to see it was made, like it hadn't been slept in last night.

"Dean?" Sam called out to see if Dean was even in the motel room, but there was no response. Sam got out of his bed and looked towards the table, he saw his laptop, Dean's wallet, and one of their phones.

"Well, guess he's still out." Sam said a loud to himself, he was worried but knew Dean would come back soon. He thought Dean had probably went to a bar and met a hot girl or something, forgetting that Dean left his wallet there.

Sam did begin to get a bit more worried since Dean wanted to leave early to their next job, but he tried not to focus on it. He decided to start doing a bit of research since he didn't know when Dean would get back. Sam pulled out his phone and called one of Dean's other phones that were usually in the car. There was no answer, he set his phone down and sighed.

"Cas, can you get down here and help me look for Dean?" He asked a loud.

"You called." Cas said from behind him, causing Sam to jump. "My apologies, did I startle you?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, you did." He turned to face Cas. "Dean didn't come back from his drive last night and he isn't answering his phone."

"Isn't he most likely with a girl from a bar?" Cas asked.

"That's what I thought but he left his phone and wallet here. He said he wanted to just look at the scenery but he should be back already then." Sam replied.

"What do you want me to do? Send him a mind message?" Cas sarcastically asked.

"You have a 'un-natural connection' don't you? Teleport him here or something." Sam said.

"I would if I could, but our connection is.. becoming weak.. I can't find him."

"I'm guessing that's bad?" Sam asked.

"Yes. That's bad." Cas began to get worried, if their connection is getting weaker.. he could be injured or worse.

"What should we do?" Sam continued to ask questions.

"If Dean and I's connection are becoming weaker he may be injured, we most likely should check hospitals. Let's go." Cas said as Sam stood up. Cas touched Sam's shoulder as they teleported to the hospital. They were standing in front of the building, Sam felt a bit nauseous but he would survive.

"Please never do that again." Sam asked. Cas didn't respond and walked inside to the front desk, Sam followed after.

"Hello, what can I do for you two today?" A young blond lady asked the two.

"Hi, my brother went on a drive last night and we think he got in a(n) accident. Has anyone with light brown hair, and green eyes come in? He was wearing a brown leather jacket, a red flannel, a band shirt i think, and blue jeans." Sam replied to the receptionist.

"We did get a John Doe that fits that description, he was driving a(n) black Impala 67 I believe." She told the two men.

"How bad were his injuries?" Cas asked.

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