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- Word Count: 316 words -

My alarm clock beeped beside me as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. I sat up and turned off the alarm. I stretched my arms and got out of bed. Once I got out of bed, I headed straight to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee and I looked out the window. Outside the house, everyone's cars were still sitting there idly.

"That's weird," I told myself out loud.

I walked through the house to my sister's room. I opened the door and walked over to her bed. Shaking her, I tried to wake her up, but she didn't. I tried the same with my mom and my dad. It didn't work on them either. I picked up my phone and called my friends. None of them picked up. I'm not sure what's happened to them. I think the whole world is like this.

I opened my laptop and went online. I scrolled through and found a post that caught my eye.

One new post:
Anyone else awake?
Posted 5 minutes ago.

I stared at my laptop in shock. I opened the comments and read them.

Yes. What's going on?

I am. What happened to everyone?

So am I. I'm scared and confused.

I clicked on the comment bar and typed out my response.

I'm awake. Why aren't we asleep like everyone else?

I pressed send. Seconds later, I heard a loud pounding on my door. My eyes widened in shock and fear. I quickly typed out another comment.

Does anyone else have pounding on their door or is it just me?

I pressed send quickly. I looked towards my front door. It flew open from the force it received and I saw floods of people enter. Suddenly, I blacked out and fell backwards, still hearing the shouts of people and the faint beeps above me coming from my laptop.

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