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a little sidenote:

luz was a isles born witch in this one, so she could cast regular spells. however, after her battle with belos she lost her power/was weakened so she started to use glyphs.


I pushed past the throng of people blocking the door. They glared at me as I burst into the hallway, hot tears burning at the corners of my eyes. It should have been me. They shouldn't have died, it's all my fault- 

Slamming into a locker, I shakily stumbled to the bathroom before anyone saw me. This was the third time someone had mentioned my deceased siblings. 

I remembered Ed pushing me out of the way, a small smile on his face, as he and Em cast a flurry of spells at Emperor Belos. Their faces, twisted in agony, as he set them on fire. Me, trying to claw my way out of Luz's arms that held me back from saving them.

My breath came out broken and strained, every gulp of air I took searing like fire in my lungs. I gripped the porcelain sink so hard my knuckles turned white. The bathroom door gently swung open and I heard soft voice say, "...Amity?"

I glanced to my left at the girl standing in the doorway, taking a deep breath and trying to compose myself. Her once-brown hair was messily brushed and there was worry in her eyes. Long, pale scars ran up and down her arms from where I scratched her.


Squeezing my eyes tight I forced down the lump in my throat long enough to  mumble, "Hi."

 "You okay? I saw you run out of class..." She ran a hand through her snow white hair, the result of using all of her power to kill Belos. Walking towards me, Luz hesitated slightly before gently wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "I know you don't want to talk about it. It's fine. I'll wait here as long as you need." 

My cheeks grew red from her touch. I folded my arms across the brim of the sink and buried my face in them, staring at her white slip on shoes. "Can... Can you come over today? I have to tell you something."

She stiffened slightly, before quietly murmuring, "Sure."


The nightmares had been haunting me for weeks now. Belos lurked at the edge of my unconsciousness, threatening to invade whatever sleep I managed to get. Dark shadows hung under my eyes as I stumbled through my classes, falling from a straight A student to barely passing. 

All of my friends, or used to be friends, were concerned. After I while I became tired of their constant presence. Everything lost it's color. I saw the world in muted shades of black, grey, and white. No one messed with me now, not even Boscha. 

When I got home that day I immediately collapsed on my bed. I allowed my eyes to close for a brief second before snapping them open, scared about having another terrible dream. Beads of sweat formed on my brow even though it was chilly inside. The empty house echoed with the lost voices of my family, all dead.

My stomach churned at the thought of Luz. How her eyes glowed as she cast the single, irreversible spell that would end Belos's life. My mother hugged me, for the first time in my life, with tears spilling down her cheeks. My father gave me a sad smile and ruffled my hair, telling me that it was okay to be different. Okay to let myself be vulnerable.

I remembered how they had defended Luz, buying her time in order to cast the ancient spell that would blast the cursed emperor into dust. I watched their lifeless forms fall to the ground with a thud. I could do nothing but sit there quietly sobbing, my face tear streaked and dirty. 

Glancing tiredly over to the window I took note of the long shadows that stretched across the floor. Luz would be over soon. The thought of seeing her was bittersweet. On one hand, I've had a crush on her for a long time. She was the only person I had ever thought about in a romantic way. On the other, my parents had sacrificed  themselves for her. She was the reason they were dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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