"It's true. So don't apologise. Plus it was very low for James even to say that. Even if it rare sometimes his rage gets the best of him. Not that that is an excuse - " She cut's me off.
"Tell me about it. I just got it from him."
"Don't know about that. As far as I know, your father was a pretty calm and collective man before the serum. Sudden straight and condition he end up to mess with his head. But that anger you have in you. If anything that Romanova bloodline. Your grandad was very impatient and couldn't hold himself in check and as I remember so like his father. Your dad is way more disciplined than I ever was, but he secretly like this crazy whiled spirit like you and me." It finally put a smile on her face, but now it wasn't placed or time to talk about it.

"So, you like Rey?" A blush creeps in Lily's cheeks, and I wiggle my legs in the air like I'm 12.
"I do. I'm not sure what exactly it is. But I think I have a crush on him." We both giggle as Lily puts a big spoon of ice-cream in her mouth. "When did you know dad is the one?"
Her question caught me off guard. And I need a minute to recollect the moment.
"Am... I guess I got past the stage of a crush when I first kiss him. But to be honest with you, I never thought we will ever figure out till the day we met you and your dad ask me again if I will marry him." Now it as my time to blush when Lily looks at me with that dreamy look.

"What took you guys so long?" I look at Lily for a minute till I realise she is the only person I can share my biggest fears I never share even to James. Have a real girl talk. Who can you possibly trust more than your daughter?
"Between us, girls. For all the years I have been with your dad, I always fear. That what I felt for him was just very unhealthy attachment. He was the only person for the at least the first 18 years of my life that took care of me. No one has ever been nice and protective over me other than him and honey I force him in to like me, that's for sure. The guy was the scariest most feared assassin, but he did not have guts even to kiss me first."

"So how you now know it's not attachment?"
"Many years apart proved the point." Small smile curl on my lips as I think about James. "I try so many times to move on. With people that didn't have crazy ass personality and full bag off messed up emotions. So of them were cheap replicas of him, others were the most amazing people I ever met. But none of them was him. No one mange to make my heart beat faster just but being next to me. Nobody made my mind fogy just by one look. And not a single guy ever was able to take everything I ever am. The way I am. Other than him."

"Wou." Lily release a quiet breath, and only then I caught myself daydreaming about the man that now I'm lucky enough to call my husband.
"That's cheesy." We both giggle before becoming serious again.
"That's pretty adorable." She teases me, but I don't mind.
"When we met again, and James remember about me, I have to admit a fact it's never going to be anyone else," I admit unashamed finally letting myself to embrace the way I feel about him.

"You know I would like to hear all of your story because I only know bits and pieces." Lily's eyes spark with excitement but my heart sink.
"Maybe one day. But I have to warn you. It's unfortunate and depressing."
"We just going need to top up ice-cream supplies."
"Indeed." I smile and wave it off sander thoughts. "Lily, what I also try to say before getting all sappy. Your both parents are nuts, and you can be yourself, and we will love you just the same." She didn't say anything, just put her ice cream away and crawl up to me for a big hug.

"No one ever likes me the way I am." Her soft voice broke as she buried her face in my neck.
"But we do. We want to help you to fight your demons not to hide them. We love you, Lily. We love you so much." I stroke her back, trying my best not to cry. "And for earlier. Your dad just too scared to lose you too soon. We only now find you, and I don't think he can bear thought of letting you go just yet."
"I know. I love you guys too." She squeezes me harder, and I did the same, letting my emotions free.

"Are you come down yet?" I find James exactly where I let him. Just now he was flipping thru the files and writing something down.
He didn't answer me. Ignoring my presents, but honestly, I only want to laugh. Who knew that 100-year-old men could be so immature.
"Stop sulking, you big child, just because you not ready for her to grow up. Doesn't mean she can't do it. She can and will. We like that or not. So rather enjoy it." He slowly lifts his eyes, putting down a pen. He leans back and crosses his hands on a bulky chest.

"No fucking boy will ever be good enough for her." I hold down my smile.
"Okay, daddy. I get you being protective and it's pretty cute, but you need to calm your tits."
"If that asshole every going to hurt her -"
"I will be his ass too." I  finish his thought. "But for the time being, we can't stop her from enjoying her life. You build this amazing bond with her don't ruin that now. She might be very long with us so take every second you have." I recognise his defeat when his hands drop at the sides, and he broke the eye contact first.

"When did you become so smart?" He till his head to the side like an adorable puppy and stretch his hands and Inviting me to him.
"One of us has to." I roll my eyes and curl on his lap when my hands slowly brush his hard chest.
My fingers seek under his top, and I give him constrained smirk.
"Seriously?" His one eyebrow lifts but smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh yeah. We have a girl talk, and I just remember how damn lucky I'm to have such a hot man."
"I mean yeah, obviously." My laugh gets cuts sort when James stands uplifting me with him.
In a matter of seconds, I'm laying on the kitchen island, and my heart gets caught in my throat when he rips my leggings off me.

"Let me remind me just how lucky you are." He licks his lips while taking me in.
"But Lily." My eyes widen as I look to the stairs that your teenage daughter can come down any minute.
"She just went in a shower. Plus I thought you don't want to get boring?"
"Be quick." I giggle before pulling his juice lips to mine.

Honestly, I just want them to be happy like this forever. But nothing good lasts.
We are getting dangerously close to infinity war

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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