I Promise (Part 5)

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"We are almost there," Fuli whispered to herself. It didn't feel like they were close, it felt cold. The guard had been pushing through a snowstorm for the past hour, and she was feeling it. They hadn't passed any caves, they didn't see any at least. Even if they did see one, Fuli wasn't sure she would stop and take shelter.

They were so close to the Tree of Life, and at the same time, she could tell Kion was close to losing himself. Sometimes she thought she saw his flicker a shade of green a few times, but she wasn't sure if it was her imagination or not. Regardless, she knew what kind of condition he was in, they had to push on.

She looked to her right to see the Kion right be beside her. He had admitted that he didn't trust himself and that she was the only one he trusted to keep him in line, that's why he was always near her.

"How much further?" She called out to Kaka and Kike.

"I don't know, I can't tell in this snowstorm," Kaka yelled back. Fuli sighed out of frustation as she continued on through the blizzard.

She wondered what the Tree of Life was like. Rafiki has said it was a mystical place with a tree that had the power to heal almost any injury. At first, she thought it was impossible, but then she remembered when she thought the Roar of the elders was impossible, she couldn't have been more wrong.

"Hey guys, I think I see someone up ahead," Anga called out. As she finished, a yellow animal became visible only a few yards in front of them.

"Who are you?" Fuli yelled at the animal.

"I'm friendly, please don't hurt me," a male voice called back in a funny accent. As the figure came closer, Fuli was able to make our yellow fur with...black dots...could it be?

"It looks like a cheetah," Anga informed the group. Fuli couldn't believe her eyes when another cheetah appeared in front of them. She noticed that this cheetah wasn't a King Cheetah like herself, his fur was a darker shade of yellow, his spots were a bit lackluster when compared to hers, and his accent was like nothing she's ever heard. It appears he had the same thought, it was clear on his face, but it was quickly replaced by a serious look.

"What are you doing in this storm," the cheetah asked.

"We are trying to get the Tree of Life," Fuli replied.

The male cheetah shook his head in disapproval. "It's dangerous to travel during a snowstorm, there is a pass up ahead that often has avalanches during these storms," he warned. "But I, Azaad, know of a nearby cave that we can use to go around it, follow me."

The guard hesitated at first, but he seemed friendly enough, they didn't have a reason not to trust him. They followed him for a few minutes, everyone greeting him except Kion for some reason. They eventually stumbled upon a cave, how Azaad found it in the blizzard she'll never know. As soon as they entered the cave, Fuli realized just how cold she actually was, she was quickly shivering back and forth. She figured she just hadn't noticed how cold she was because she was too focused on reaching the tree. She was still learning the ins and outs of being a leader, and without someone to mentor her in the minute details, it was somewhat of a struggle.

"So, what brings you all to the Tree of Life,"'Azaad asked, breaking the silence.

"We need to get our friends to the Tree to be healed. Ono needs his eye to be healed and Kion needs help with his Scar," Fuli replied while motioning to her friends. "And these two cubs can find their mother, and said that if they get lost they should go to the Tree of Life, so we are taking them there."

Azaad smiled. "Then maybe I can help, under one condition, you have to race me some time."

"That's it?" Fuli asked. Azaad just simply nodded and smiled. She was surprised at the simplicity of the request, just a race. Then it dawned on her that she hadn't raced another cheetah since...well it's been a while. Nobody in the Pride Lands could even come close to challenging her speed, and chances where he had the same problem. This could be her chance to find out truly how fast she was. "You're on!"

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