timendi causa est nescire

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NOTE: The picture for this chapter is from Through the Moon and was edited by @ raayllum on Tumblr!

1. World peace feels impossible. But it isn't as far-fetched as conservatives might tell you. Progressive foreign policy for any given nation would generally include the following: pursuing diplomatic solutions (using political tactics, not the military, to achieve solutions with mutual gain rather than one victor and one loser); reducing the role of the military as a whole (e.g. working to prevent wars rather than focusing on winning them); engaging strategic competitors (the US, for example, must learn to work with Russia and China while still being critical of their reported human rights' violations rather than remaining perpetually at odds with them); using force as a last resort (and multilaterally, e.g. through the UN, and with a definitive plan about when to withdraw); strengthening international institutions (e.g. using institutions like the UN to facilitate global cooperation, rather than one country taking control); reshaping nuclear weapons policy (reducing the size of nuclear weapon arsenals, never using nuclear weapons first, cancelling all plans to build/deploy new nuclear weapons, etc.); considering the humanitarian impact of economic sanctions (economic sanctions almost always disproportionately impact the poorest and most vulnerable members of a population, and therefore if used should be modified to only target wealthy/powerful individuals); enhancing oversight and accountability (the US, for example, must fight internal corruption, end unchecked mass surveillance of its citizens, etc.); tackling climate change (both within the country and on a global level); and improving global health (e.g. funding international organizations that support global health, increasing humanitarian aid to developing countries, preparing for the next pandemic, etc.). Implementing these policies would be a solid step towards true global cooperation and maybe, one day, world peace. (Condensed from @ soyouwanttotalkabout on Instagram!)

2. If you live in the US and are 18+ - VOTE. BLUE. ALL THE WAY DOWN YOUR TICKET. Democrats/Progressives need to control both the House and the Senate for effective, lasting policy changes like what's discussed above to occur.

Bonjour vous-autres! I hope you're all doing well this weekend. You know, surviving the global pandemic and whatnot. This chapter is a little shorter, but I'm pretty sure next week's update is kind of a beast compared to other chapter lengths lmao, so it balances out. I hope you enjoy!


Amaya pulled both boys into a tight hug, one which they immediately reciprocated.

"What are you doing here?" Callum asked when she released them. He signed as he spoke, though he found himself faltering through the words. Not only was his sign language a little rusty, but his mind was racing with a million thoughts. He was torn between feeling ecstatic to see his aunt after so long and also freaking out because Rayla was currently sitting in the dining room. Rayla, who was Xadian. Something his aunt might... have a problem with.

This evening was not going to end well.

"I thought you weren't coming in until winter break?" he finished, giving her a questioning look.

"That was my original plan," Amaya signed, a wide smile on her face, "but Harrow informed me a few weeks ago that a certain nephew of mine got accepted into KSU's prestigious art showcase, and I knew I couldn't miss that for the world. I reorganized my vacation time with some help from Gren, so here I am!"

Callum found himself overwhelmed by the fact that his aunt had redone everything just to see him. Him. Well, and his artwork. Amaya was the best.

"Dad, did you know about this?!" Ezran demanded, though his accusatory tone didn't match the excited sparkle in his eyes.

"I may have known a thing or two," Harrow said evasively before winking at his sons. "But it wasn't confirmed until three days ago that she'd actually be flying in. I'm afraid she's only going to be here for this weekend before she has to leave again, though." Noticing Ezran's disappointed frown, he quickly added, "But, if all goes well, she should be back for winter break. It will just be for a slightly shorter amount of time than originally planned."

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