blood of the covenant

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1. I (believe) I've talked about xenophobia before, so today I want to name a few simple ways you can help combat xenophobia. Obviously it is difficult (if not entirely impossible) for one person to cause global change solely of their own accord, so let's focus on a smaller level. Let's start with the obvious: celebrate other cultures! An easy way to do this is to support local businesses/restaurants owned by immigrants, and maybe try your own hand at cooking dishes from other countries! Another simple action is to call out hate speech when you hear it. Confrontation can be scary, but it's important that we let bigots know that their hateful behavior will not be tolerated. Lastly, if you are financially able, support human rights' organizations that are meant to combat xenophobia/racism/etc., such as UNICEF, the ACLU, Bail for Immigration Detainees (UK organization), and many others! (Information condensed from UNICEF.)

Bonjour vous-autres! I have been back at school for one week and I'm ALREADY tired, lmao. Can you believe there's only three chapters left after this one?! Wow. I hope you enjoy the update!


"Callum! We're going to be late!"

Callum couldn't help but roll his eyes at his girlfriend's frantic tone. "We are not going to be late, Rayla. If anything, we're going to be early." Man, where had he put his charcoal? "Give me a second. I'm almost ready to go."

Aha - there it was, hidden behind the cup of pencils on his desk. He grabbed the plastic container and placed it in his satchel, neatly tucking it between his sketchbook and the wall of the bag. Since he was all but certain they would arrive at the airport early, he wanted something to do while they waited.

"Alright, I'm coming." He left his bedroom to find Rayla standing next to the door leading out of his dorm, tapping her foot anxiously as she checked something on her phone. "You ready?"

Rayla rolled her eyes, turning her phone off and shoving it into her pocket. "Obviously. I've been waiting for you for ages."

Callum laughed as she grabbed his hand and began dragging him towards the door. "'Ages,'" he repeated. "Alright, drama queen."

"Don't get sassy with me," she chastised, taking his keys to lock the door behind them before tossing them back at his face, which Callum barely managed to catch. "I don't appreciate that kind of attitude, young man."

God, she sounded like every single jerk of a substitute teacher he'd ever had. "Do forgive me," he said as he unlocked his car and climbed into the driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt after he did so. "It was never my intention to be disrespectful, ma'am."

Rayla snorted as she slid into the passenger seat. "Wow. We sound pretentious as hell."

Callum laughed. He turned the key in the ignition and waited for her to buckle in before he began navigating out of the parking lot. "Yeah, that's a fair assessment." As he turned onto the road, he couldn't help but ask the question that had been needling him all morning. "So... Are you ready to see Runaan and Ethari again?"

Rayla's eyes lit up at his words, which was pretty much an answer in itself. "You have no idea. I've missed them so much since I left! I can't believe that they're going to get to see me play, in person, at the national championship!" She shook her head, almost in disbelief. "These next few days are genuinely going to be the best ones of my life."

Callum found himself smiling at her words. His girlfriend's excitement was definitely contagious. That said, he also couldn't resist the urge to tease her. Just a tad.

He made a tsk noise. "What, are you implying that the Saturday of our super-romantic, straight-out-of-a-movie first kiss after you won the opening game of the season isn't considered one of the best days of your life?"

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