your plans need to be more... flexible

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I've decided to do a thing before most chapters where I'll list one or two "action items" or some questions to think about regarding BLM, LGBT+ rights, women's rights (intersectional feminism only), etc. You can skip over them if you'd like, because I understand that fanfiction can be an escape/break from reality for some people, but that doesn't mean these issues stop existing. They are of the utmost importance, so I encourage you to at least skim the items, or even come back to them after you read; I promise, it'll only be a couple things! :) For today:

1. Follow @ soyouwanttotalkabout on Instagram (excellent infographics regarding a variety of social issues that are easy to digest if you're easily overwhelmed by statistical information!)

2. Read So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo (I've just started and it is SO. INFORMATIVE.)

In other news, Happy Father's Day to Harrow! (And Runaan, Ethari, and Lain. Not really Viren though, lol.) Also, regarding this fic specifically, my goal is to have the entire story written by the end of the summer (written by hand; not typed/edited lmao), that way from then on I might be able to shift to weekly updates (though that does depend on what college is like for me). This is just an estimation, but the story will probably have about 40 chapters, with the last chapter being an epilogue. I've written a little over half of the fic already, and everything is all plotted out in the notes app on my phone (don't judge me for that lmao). Anyways - just wanted to tell you guys that so you have an idea of where I'm going with all this lol. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Callum: what time do you want me to pick you up?

Rayla: a half hour from now works :)

Callum: sure

Callum: wait

Callum: i thought football practice didn't end until 5?

Rayla: Coach has to go to his niece's birthday party so practice ended early

Callum: huh. okay

Callum: 3:30 it is, then!

Rayla: see you soon

Callum's heart skipped a beat as she followed her final text with an emoji blowing a kiss. His foot was almost aggressively tapping the floor as he spun around in his rolling desk chair, antsy from a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Their first real date was now less than an hour away, and he had so many plans. He wanted to show Rayla the downtown life of the city, and he hoped more than anything that she would enjoy it. In fact, he had everything pinned on those hopes.

He was also feeling absolutely terrified, if he was being honest with himself. He didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend. And sure, she'd reassured him a dozen times over that anything he planned would be fine with her, but that did not at all abate his nerves.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to read the caller ID and was surprised to find that it was Harrow. His stepdad wasn't supposed to get off of work - if he was ever truly off of work - for another hour, which he'd only known because they'd had to compromise about leaving Ezran alone at the house for a while so he and Rayla could go on their date.

God, it felt weird to casually think of himself and Rayla as dating.

Weird, but in a good way. And also exhilarating.

Callum realized he still hadn't answered his phone, and he scrambled to press the green button on his screen before the call could end. "Hello?"

"I would like to apologize in advance for what I am about to request of you."

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