Chapter Twelve

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        You were panicking. It wasn't obvious, but I knew.

"Hurry, I need your shirt. I need to stop the venom from going up your leg."

        I pulled off my shirt and gave it to you. You wrapped it tightly around my leg where the bite was. I didn't know what was happening. I was in shock.

"I can't feel anything. Are you sure it got me? I just feel light headed."

        You told me that was a bad sign. You were honest, which I wish you weren't. It only made me more scared. I was going to die out there, alone. 

"Keep your leg straight."

        You carried me all the way back to the house and sat me on the kitchen table. You were pacing around the house until you went into the bathroom. You were looking for the antivenom, which was unfortunate.

"Have you seen the antivenom? I keep it all right here."


"I- I shattered it when I had my meltdown in the bathroom.."

        You became stressed. You were pacing, and I could see tears in your eyes. You were scared, too. You knew what this all meant. I didn't until you said something. You sat next to me and held onto my hand, rocking back and forth.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise.."

"But- but we don't have any antivenom- how will we-"

        You smiled slightly with pain in your eyes. You knew how we would handle it. That's the reason you were crying.

"Clay- what is it?"

"We have two options. One, we could sit here and pray the venom wasn't released when it bit you, but if it did, you could-"

        "What's option two?" I didn't want to hear you say the words. I didn't want to die out there.

"I can put you in the car and take you to the mine site that is nearby. They have a medical team. They would take you to a hospital. You would be free."

        The fact that you were even saying a thing like that shocked me. 

"George- I am going to take you there in the car. You are going to go home."

        You weren't crying anymore. You were upset about everything. Your plan was failing. It wasn't ending how you imagined. That's when I passed out. I didn't wake up.

        Later, you explained that I was out cold for most of the car ride to the mine site. Once we got there after a three day trip, they were going to put us on a helicopter they had that would take me to the nearest hospital. I woke up just before the helicopter took off.


"Hey, George. I'm so so sorry. About all of this. I'm so sorry. You have to get on the helicopter now, I can't come with you. Once they figure out who you are- if I'm with you-"

        I was in so much pain then. I wasn't in shock anymore. I held onto your hand and started to tear up. I didn't want you to leave me. I was scared. You knew what I wanted, and decided to get on the helicopter, even though in the end it could result with you getting caught.

        Once we were on the helicopter, I passed out again. I had never felt so much pain, and my body couldn't take it. They said you stayed by my side the entire ride. Eventually, they asked who I was, and you told them. A few minutes later they turned back and knew who you were. They knew you were the one who kidnapped me.

        They called the hospital ahead of time so they would have a place ready for me, and so that the cops were aware I had been found. Who would of thought that you were caught on an old helicopter that miners used to get to a mine site in the middle of nowhere.

        I woke up as soon as it landed. I remember being put on a gurney, and you were walking beside me. I remember staring at the lights as they passed when I was being pushed down the hall. We approached a pair of doors, and there were cops. 

        They were waiting for you.

Total Word Count: 714

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