𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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It all started like it usually would, a damp, rainy day with small rays of sunlight shining between the dark grey clouds.

The smell of freshly cut grass was all Marius needed as he felt the cold air leave the sensation of pin pricks on his face. Nothing crossed his mind, he was at peace. The sounds of the rain hitting the concrete footpath and the flickering of his grey scarf was the only thing he could focus on.

"Attention - all operators please head to your daily 6:45 training." The familiar voice boomed over the loudspeaker. It caught Marius off guard and caused him to shiver a little. He headed back inside, feeling the warmth as soon as he steeped inside.

He stumbled around the corridor, sticking towards the walls as soon as all of the operators started flooding the corridors, the noise become too overwhelming for Marius. He tried to barge his way into his classroom only to find out he had stumbled into class late.

Everyone was staring at him as water ran down his helmet, making a small puddle beside him. He awkwardly shuffled towards the back of the classroom into his comfortable corner and the training began.

A few operators started snickering, causing Marius to overthink. Was it about him? Did they pull a prank he didn't know about? One operator however caught his eye.

Him. He was tall, fair and had chestnut brown eyes that could stare right through someone. He had a slight accent and an alluring deep voice. His name was Dominic, more commonly known as Bandit.

Marius started staring at him until one of his mates pointed at him and he turned around, looking Marius straight in the eyes. Marius could feel his face heat up, but was lucky hidden by his ski mask and his scarf. The male across the room tore away and continued snickering.

Marius realised how long he had been staring at him for and only snapped out of it once the trainer called out his name.

"Dominic and Marius."

The both of them froze, suddenly turning their attention towards the trainer, then at eachother. Dominic's mates started elbowing him and giggling like school girls whilst Marius just turned to face the wall next to him.

"Hey, uh... Marius right?"


"So I was right?" Dominic pulled up a chair uncomfortably close to Marius and placed his legs on Marius's desk, making him very uncomfortable. He wasn't used to people being so comfortable and open, he moved more towards the wall as Dominic started leaning on his chair.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you know my name that's all." Marius admitted and turned towards the wall, adjusting his wet scarf, feeling the water droplets trickle down his neck making him shiver.

"Your voice sounds nice, you should talk more." Dominic commented as the trainer passed around papers and pencils.

"Really?" Marius was stunned, he didn't usually talk, especially not to people he didn't get a good introduction to. He had seen Dominic around but never got to know him personally.

"Yeah." Dominic confirmed, looking at his clearly flustered teammate. Dominic had also never gotten to know him, and didn't want to have friends. He surrounded himself with fake friends, alcohol and drugs. He didn't want to risk another relationship. He had however, always noticed Marius in the back of the crowd in the corridors, in the corners of the room in training and in the cafeteria.

"O-oh- okay..." Marius stuttered and grabbed his pencil whilst his hand shook. He was still a little bit cold, and being ever so slightly drenched didn't help either.

"Well I guess we're stuck working together aren't we then?" Dominic chuckled and Marius only nodded hastily in response as he began writing and drawing lines on the blank piece of paper.

Competition || Bandit x Jager ! Discontinued !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora