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There had been a shift in Chan and Misun's relationship the moment they had both said they loved each other

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There had been a shift in Chan and Misun's relationship the moment they had both said they loved each other. Not one that was blatantly obvious, but both of them felt it. For Misun, she knew the love she felt for Chan was different and stronger than what she had felt before. She loved Minho when they were together, but it was a different type of love.

When she was with Minho, it was safe, she knew she could go to him with anything, talk about anything, knew she would be given the support she needed. They were best friends first, lovers second, which is why it was so easy to come to the agreement over the breakup. Nothing had changed between them other than the added bonuses that came with a relationship.

With Chan, love was different. It was passionate, full of fire, unexpected, a step into the unknown. She knew she could also go to him for anything and receive the same support from her previous relationship, but it still felt different.

She could feel herself being more impulsive when it came to him, letting boundaries she usually kept up fall down much quicker than she ever intended. Misun knew that Chan had a darker side to him, but instead of being cautious as she usually would have been, she couldn't help but continue to dive in deeper than she already was.

In a way, it was terrifying, but something about him made her push those fears and throw caution to the wind. She couldn't help but want him more.

For Chan, he only felt more love for Misun than he already did. A deep, undeniable love for her that caused him to lose sight of anything but her. His entire life, his entire world, was nothing but her. Chan wouldn't allow anyone or anything to come between himself and Misun, and he no longer cared about the implications that would follow.

Misun was his, she had said it herself. His, only his. He only wished he could create a world where it was only the two of them. No one to bother them, no one to try and tear them apart. Just him and the person he was completely and obsessively in love with. It would be their own personal paradise.

He loved her, she loved him, that's all that mattered.

So, when they were having one of their weekly nights, Chan found himself worried over the fact that Misun seemed distracted by whoever she was texting. They had both made an unspoken rule where movie night was a time where they focused on nothing but each other and phones and other distractions were put away. He knew that wasn't always realistic, adult responsibilities sometimes got in the way, but he still felt annoyed.

Chan tried to focus on the movie, letting Misun do what she had to do. He didn't want to seem overbearing or suffocating, but that didn't stop him from wanting to know who she was texting. He hoped it was either Minho or Hyunjin, but something in his gut told him it wasn't.

"I'm going to quickly go to the washroom, can you pause the movie until I get back?" Misun asked as she got up from the couch.

"Sure." Chan didn't understand the point of pausing a movie she hadn't been watching in the first place, but he complied regardless.

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