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A week

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A week.

It had been a week since Minho had reentered Misun's life. A week where Chan was trying his absolute hardest to be on his best behaviour.

The last thing he needed was to seem upset over Misun being with someone else, especially when she and Chan were barely even good friends. He didn't need to look like an asshole, instead he was just going to be patient. Minho had left her once already, he could potentially leave her again.

Chan still acted the same way he always did around Misun, and he was grateful things didn't appear to have changed. The only difference was that Minho showed up more often than Chan would have wanted. It seemed as if every time he had more than 5 minutes to talk to Misun, Minho would suddenly show up.

Every time he went to get a morning coffee, Minho was there. Every time he stopped by after work, Minho was there. The only reason he kept himself from telling Minho to fuck off was the smile on Misun's face whenever she saw him. Sure, it hurt Chan to see her smiling at someone else, but he enjoyed seeing her happy, even if he wasn't the direct cause.

One Friday, Misun had the idea to go out to dinner with both Chan and Minho as a way for them to get to know one another. Truthfully, Chan wanted nothing more than to say no, but at the same time he was slightly satisfied to know he was included. She easily could have went without him.

So there he was, sitting at a table with Misun and Minho. Trying his best to put on a smile and engage in conversation. Minho had moved to Seoul to join a dance team he had auditioned for, coincidentally the same team Hyunjin was on. Misun's social circle seemed so small yet connected, while Chan looked even more like an outsider.

He learned they had dated in their senior year of high school, and had broken up the summer Misun first moved to Seoul. From what he knew, the only reason they had broken up was to achieve their own dreams and didn't want to hold each other back.

As much as he hated to admit it, he almost wished they had broken up for a worse reason. A mutual breakup with no hatred toward the other made it easier to fall back into a relationship. And what made it worse is that Chan liked Minho.

He didn't have any reason not to, he was funny, kind, and charismatic. Chan found himself genuinely laughing at the stories the two shared and as the night went on he realized he didn't hate Minho, not even a little bit. Other than the jealously he had over how close he and Misun were, he didn't have a valid reason to dislike him or not trust him.

Which only made Chan more frustrated.

If he was unlikeable, or had done something unforgivable, it would be easier to find a way to form a wedge between him and Misun. Make it easier for Misun to see that Chan was the right choice.

He needed to either find dirt on Minho, or find a way to make himself seem better than he viewed himself. If showing Misun that he cared about her friends was one of the ways to do that, he would. It helped that Minho wasn't intolerable. He would do anything for Misun, even if it meant becoming close with someone who Chan viewed as a competitor.

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