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The feelings Chan had for Misun grew astronomically the more time he spent with her

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The feelings Chan had for Misun grew astronomically the more time he spent with her. All he could think about was how overwhelming her presence was — her personality, her smell, everything about her was absolutely intoxicating. When he was with her, he felt whole, he felt complete. When he was with her, everything felt right, as if this, as if she, was the place he was always meant to find. The person his heart had been longing for his entire life.

And when they were apart, he felt empty, his body and soul ached to be with her. He spent every moment without her counting down the minutes until they could be together again. All he wanted, all he needed, was to be with her every second he could. He admitted there were times where he would find himself walking back to her house after walking around the block just to make sure she was safe.

The times they went out, whether it was the cafe, out for dinner, or just a walk, he felt the need to protect her. If someone walked too close, he would pull her closer. If someone stared at her for too long, he would stare right back until they looked away. Their hands were always intertwined, and in the moments where they weren't, Chan made sure to have an arm around her. He wanted everyone to know that she was his. He needed to make sure no one would ever take her away from him.

One particular night, they had decided to go out for drinks. Chan was opposed, he didn't want her around anyone who was drunk. People stared at her enough sober, the last thing he needed was for someone to come up to her with a higher level of courage thanks to the alcohol in their system. But, Misun had insisted, and Chan wanted her to be happy.

Chan spent the whole night on edge. Constantly looking around, staring down anyone whose stare lingered even a second too long, all while balancing his attention towards Misun. He didn't think she had caught on to his paranoid behaviour, or she was at least good at hiding it.

A few hours into the night, Chan felt himself letting his guard down. He eased into having a good time with her, allowing himself to relish in their conversation and enjoy a few drinks of his own, nowhere near enough to be drunk or even tipsy , but enough to not feel the need to stare down everyone in the room.

Misun had excused herself to go to the bathroom and Chan had almost insisted in accompanying her, but figured he had been clingy enough throughout the night. Several minutes had passed, enough for him to be concerned. He looked around the room making sure she hadn't gone the wrong way or stopped at the bar on her way back. When he failed to find her, he made his way down to the bathrooms.

He hadn't made it far before seeing Misun's path being blocked by a man. the hallway was narrow, making her unable to go around him. Chan could feel the ager bubbling up inside him. His breathing grew deeper and heavier, his jaw clenched, and his hands were squeezed so tightly into fists he was convinced he would have indents from his fingernails in his palms.

"I've already asked you nicely to move and you didn't listen, so now I'm politely telling you to fuck off before I kick you so hard in the dick you'll never get the chance to have kids."

Chan felt himself smirk, he knew Misun could be feisty, but he had never seen her like this.

"Oh, c'mon, baby, don't be like that. We could have so much fun together."

"Look, asshole, I don't know what part of 'no' you don't understand. Get out of my way."

"You heard her, leave her alone."

The man turned towards Chan, eyeing him up and down, "Who the fuck are you?"

"My boyfriend, now piss off." Misun took advantage of the man being distracted, squeezing past him and relief flooded her eyes when she took sight of Chan.

As she walked past, the man grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him, "You can do better than that pretty boy, don't you think?"

The last thing Chan remembered seeing before everything went black was Misun's knee coming up and hitting the man straight in the groin. When he came to, he saw Misun's face laced with concern. He was still standing, but the man was lying on the floor unconscious with a face covered in blood and a nose that was definitely broken. Chan looked down to see Misun clutching both of his hands, his knuckles covered in blood.

"Did I do that?" He asked, shocked at himself for not only knocking a man unconscious but not being able to remember doing it.

Misun nodded slowly, "I thought you were going to kill him."

Chan remained silent, not wanting to admit that if it hadn't been for Misun stopping him, he probably would have. Misun grabbed both sides of his face, forcing him to look into her eyes, "Let's go home, yeah?"

He nodded in agreement, home sounded nice.

They entered Misun's house, where she immediately takes Chan into the bathroom and takes out a small first aid kit. She tends to the now bruising knuckles, wrapping them in gauze once they've been cleaned and disinfected. Her fingers linger on Chan's palms, mindlessly rubbing circles on his skin.

"Are you okay?" He asks as their eyes meet.

"I was a little scared, I've never seen someone that angry before."

Chan let out a shaky breath, scaring her was the last thing he wanted. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I just, I saw him grab you and I got so angry I didn't know what I was doing. I lost control, I guess. I never want to scare you ever again."

Misun smiled softly, leaning forward and gently leaving a kiss on Chan's lips. "It was kind of sexy, to be honest."

"Oh, really?"

"I mean, I don't want to condone or reward that kind of behaviour but, yes, a little bit."

Chan's arms snaked their way around her waist, pulling her impossibly close, his mouth going to her neck. He began to leave kisses up her neck, her sighs acting as enough encouragement to continue his actions. He worked his way up, going to her jaw and finally finding her mouth. This kiss was different, this kiss was intense. Misun's hands ran through Chan's hair, tugging at it slightly. His hands wandered down, grazing her sides as they worked their way down to the back of her thighs. He lifted her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

Slowly, Chan made his way to her bedroom, placing her down on top of the sheets, breaking the kiss to ensure they were both okay with the way things were going. Misun smiled, pulling Chan down to kiss him once more. They allowed themselves the indulgence of doing what they had both wanted for quite some time. Their bodies reacting to the other, murmurs shared between them, both finally making each other theirs.

[ A/N: y'all can let your imaginations run wild for the rest]

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