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Chan had arrived in Daegu, with nothing but his backpack slung over one shoulder and no immediate place to go

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Chan had arrived in Daegu, with nothing but his backpack slung over one shoulder and no immediate place to go. He had no proper plan, no idea where he should start, only the lingering thought of turning right back around and going back to Seoul if it wasn't for the louder thought of wanting to know if Misun was okay.

He knew he was overstepping, he knew he was crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed, he knew better and yet he was still in Daegu. He was trying to justify his actions, as if anything he thought proved otherwise. He could have called, but instead he was trying to find his girlfriend in a different city. He would find her, and then do what? Watch her from afar to make sure she was okay? Even he knew how insane that sounded, and yet he was still going through with it, because her being safe was his biggest priority.

Realistically, Chan didn't even think he would find her. He didn't know her address, she probably wouldn't be at any of the places he had marked down, he couldn't just call her and ask where she was without it sounding suspicious. He would be wondering a city he had never visited in hopes he managed to find her, all while running the risk of her seeing him and running for her life because someone she trusted was stalking her.

But, he was here now, and he was stubborn and stupid. He would give himself the day to explore the city, and if his common sense finally kicked in, he would go home.

That's how he found himself in a convenience store after spending a day walking around aimlessly. He really didn't see a point in what he was doing, but he also didn't want to go home and give up. He had told himself he would go home, but he didn't want to leave now. He was at a crossroads with always debating his decisions, he told himself one thing then changed his mind only a minute later.

He almost wished Misun would just appear so he at least had a slight direction on where to go. He would make sure she was fine, and then return to Seoul, at least that was the plan. But, as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, he realized the power in the statement 'be careful what you wish for.'

The door chimed as it opened, and as Chan turned, he felt his stomach drop as Misun and who he assumed was Jeongin walked through the door. Chan's heartbeat quickened as he turned to put his back towards Misun, making himself look like he was very invested in choosing a flavour of chips. Of all places, he had not expected to run into her at a small convenience store. She could not find out he had followed her to Daegu, this was not in his plan. He was supposed to say under the radar, observing from afar, he was supposed to leave a day before she did so he would be there to pick her up at the station. She wasn't supposed to find out.

He could hear her talking to Jeongin, her voice getting closer as she walked down the aisle. Chan slowly made his way around the corner of the aisle, lowering his cap to try and conceal his face as he did so. He had never been a religious person, but he found himself praying to whoever would listen that Misun wouldn't see him. All he had to do was take a few more steps and he would be out the door and safe. He could see the door, just a little farther. He reached out his hand to push open the door until he heard the voice of the employee stopping him. "Sir, you have to pay for that.

Chan shut his eyes and cursed under his breath, of course he had forgotten about the bottled water in his hand. Stupid, stupid, stupid.



He turned to see Misun staring at him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed as her brother looked at him and back at Misun. He wanted to run, get back on the earliest train to Seoul and pretend he had no idea what she was talking about when he was faced with an interrogation when she was back home, if she even came back home after this. But, Chan knew she wasn't stupid. She would follow him the second he left the store and demand answers. Answers she deserved to get, but not ones he wanted to give.

Chan opened his mouth to reply, closing it immediately when he realized he didn't have anything to reply with. He searched his brain frantically, trying to find something to say that didn't make him sound as crazy as he actually was. Which was not working out when he realized that he genuinely was crazy, and nothing he said would prove otherwise.

"How about we just buy what we came to buy and then you can explain later, yeah?" Misun said as she walked to the counter with a handful of snacks, Jeongin following behind her with two drinks in his hand. Chan waited awkwardly to buy his water, something he didn't want anymore, the thing that ruined his entire plan and escape.

The three exited the store, and despite the fresh air, the tension was enough to make Chan feel as if he were suffocating. "Jeongin, do you mind if I talk to Chan alone for a while?" Misun asked, handing him the bag of snacks they had just purchased.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll just wait in the car." Jeongin took one last glance at Chan before walking towards the car. What a great impression Chan had made on his girlfriend's brother.

"Alright, explain."

"Nothing I say is going to make me not look crazy."

"I don't care, just tell me the truth to why you're in Daegu and not in Seoul."

Chan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he had no choice, she would get the answer out of him either way and nothing he could think of as a lie would make sense. "Okay, just promise me you won't be completely freaked out."

"You having to tell me that only makes me more freaked out."

"I had this dream, a really terrible nightmare. You got really hurt and when I woke up it felt so real. You weren't there beside me, and I felt so empty and it felt so wrong and all I could think about was making sure you were okay. And I am completely aware how psycho that makes me look because I could have called instead of travelling here, but all I could think about was how if something actually happened to you, I don't know what I would do with myself. I didn't expect to actually run into you, I probably would have turned back once my senses kicked in, but here we are. Me looking insane, and you're probably pissed or freaked out or both."

"I'm not pissed, but like you said, a call would have sufficed."

"I'm sorry I'm invading your space, this was your time, your trip, I don't have a right being here."

"Well, there's only three days left so, you might as well stay. No point in sending you home on your own. Wasn't really planning on you meeting my family yet but, might as well get it out of the way now. Plus, I admit I missed you more than I care to admit."

"How did I get this lucky? I'm crazy and follow you, and you say this instead of dumping my ass."

"Well, maybe I'm just as crazy then. Letting you get away with things other people wouldn't tolerate. You make me question myself a lot Bang Chan, how do you manage that?"

Chan shrugged, trying to hide the obvious relief he felt melt away the tension he had previously felt. Misun was too good to him, too good for him. He was constantly making morally grey decisions when he came to her, and she forgave him every time. One day, however, that wasn't going to be the case. He needed to be more careful.

Misun grabbed his hand, "Let's go, I don't want my little brother thinking we abandoned him. And you need to properly introduce yourself as my boyfriend and not some creepy guy in a convenience store that I somehow know."

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