chapter 22

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Possibly triggering topics??? but none the less enjoy loves:)

Midoriya's POV

Its been another week after I was able to first see Todoroki again. I was discharge from the hospital three days ago, obviously, im still in pain and have a hard time moving due to the bandages and such but I'm on a good pain killer. It's been two ish weeks since Todoroki has been out, when I get the chance I visit him as much as I can.

The other night my mom took me to see him, his sister and brother were there too. It was kinda awkward at first because they didn't really know me, but they warmed up as soon as I told them what had happened between us.

But what his sister said had been on my mind since, she said. "Haha, well I'm glad he has someone like you. He doesn't like a lot of people..actually, he just doesn't want a lot of people. If that makes sense? Your quite lucky! He's truly changed."

I don't really know why, maybe it's because she said I'm lucky, luck isn't what I'd really describe me as. More like, will? Hope? I don't know..but maybe it's because she said he changed? He truly has in these past years..

"Izuku! Honey I'm home! Also you have some friends here!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Okay mom! Thank you!" I yelled back, getting up and off my bed I slowly make my way downstairs to see pretty much all of the girls from my class.

"Deku!" Uraraka giggled running up to me giving me a gentle yet firm hug. "Hey, how have you girls been?" I questioned as hugged back.

We had our small talk at the end of the stairs before my mom shooed us all upstairs to my embarrassing room so she could clean up.

We all sat down either in my desk chair or my bed, or even the floor and continued our conversation before a question made its way out.

"So, why are you guys here? N-not that i don't enjoy the company! Because I do! But I-i'm just curious..only you girls are here."

It was a odd pause before Mina spoke up. "Well, all the boys were being dumb at the dorms and we all kinda got bored. We hadn't seen you in a whileeeee so we thought why not have some us time and chit chat!"

"Yeah! Plus, as girls, we understand that having a lover in the hospital is hard..not saying we have had one there but its a girl thing to support, ya know?" Hagakure jumped in.

"Its natural that women have a soft spot for wanting to help and or support someone, its a maternal thing that starts rather young even before a woman gets pregnant." Momo smiled. "Babe, English." Jirou joked.

We all, of course, laughed at her joke.

After literal hours of talking, the sun was starting to set and the girls needed to head back to the dorms before it got too dark and the curfew.

We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways; just in time dinner was ready. My mom had made a simple meal of chicken katsu with rice and Kim chi. As usual it was delicious, but halfway during our meal we got a call.




My mom got up to answer her phone. "Hello..?
.......yes this is....
..oh! Ah yes! That's amazing!.. Of course!......
...thirty minutes or so....
...yes, yes were on the way!.."

She hung up and turned to me with a bright smile, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Izuku, go get your shoes and a jacket." She ran to the front door throwing on her slippers.

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