Let's Work Together Wendy

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Narrator's POV

When the classes are finally over, Wendy decides to go with Carla to buy the ingredients for their potion spell project.

Wendy: Finally, it's only you and me Carla. No more annoying noise from——
Chelia: Who said that I'm not going with you? (teasing tone)
Wendy and Carla: Chelia! (surprised)
Wendy: I told you to stay to our room to do our paper work! (stern tone)
Chelia: Oh come on Wendy. I want to hangout with you.
Wendy: There's no time for us to hangout! We need to do this potion spell seriously. This is our own original potion spell ok! I don't want us to get a failing grade to our potion class.
Chelia: Ok. (Wendy is so persistent when it comes to our class. That's what I like about her.)
Carla: So, what potion spell are you gonna do?
Wendy: Well, we decided to do a potion spell that can immune from any kind of magic. We called it the immunity potion.
Carla: Wow! That's wonderful. Happy and I will be doing a personality change potion.
Wendy: That's interesting.
Chelia: Maybe I can use that personality change potion on you Wendy.
Wendy: Why?
Chelia: You're mean to me.
Wendy: Geez! You're the one who's mean to me before and that's why——
Chelia: I know it's my fault. That it's because of my betrayal, you ended in an accident. (sad look)
Carla: That's enough you two. This is like love quarrel.
Wendy and Chelia: What?! (both of them are blushing)
Carla: Just kidding. (smiles) (whispering to Chelia) I'm just trying to help you.
Chelia: Thanks Carla.
Carla: May I see those ingredients of yours Wendy?
Wendy: Ok.
Carla: Immunity berry?
Wendy: Yes.
Carla: Are you sure you can get this immunity berry?
Wendy: Why?
Carla: You will get that berry to the forbidden cave here in Magnolia.
Chelia: Is it dangerous?
Carla: Yes it is. According to the history of wizards, there are mages who attempted to enter that cave but they were never came back.
Wendy: Really? What type of curse must be in that cave?
Carla: The rumors said that there are six dangerous dragons in there, protecting the immunity berry.
Wendy: Well in that case,
Chelia: Don't ever try to enter that cave.
Wendy: But I'm a Dragon Slayer. I can slay all of them.
Chelia: We should change our potion spell instead.
Wendy: No. That's final! Carla, tell our dorm supervisor that I'm going home late.
Carla: But Wendy that's too dangerous for you to get that berry alone.
Wendy: Please, do me a favor. And Chelia, go back to our dorm with Carla.
Chelia: No. I'm going to help you.
Wendy: I can do this alone myself. I don't need a help from a traitor.
Chelia: Please Wendy. Let me help you, we are stronger when we teamed up. We're undefeated when it comes to tag team matches in magic class remember?
Wendy: Fine.
Chelia: Let's work together as partners. Just like we used to be.
Wendy: Ok.
Carla: (hugs both Wendy and Chelia) Take care and be safe. (worried look)
Wendy and Chelia: We will.
Wendy: Bye Carla. (runs fast)
Chelia: Wait for me Wendy!
Wendy: You're too slow!
Chelia: Because you don't have busts. (teasing Wendy)
Wendy: (blushes in embarrassment) Shut up! Hold my hand!
Chelia: (blushing) Ok. (She wants to hold hands with me.)
Wendy: Don't ever think that I like to hold hands with you, traitor! (starts to run fast)
Chelia: Fine. You're a meannie.

After an hour of running, they finally reaches the forbidden cave to get the immunity berry for their immunity potion spell.

Wendy: We're here now. I'm going to fight those dragons, while you get that berry.
Chelia: No. We will fight those dragons together.
Wendy: Fine.

As they were reaching the immunity berry, there's a poison dragon who fires the poison in the air. Wendy and Chelia covers their nose and mouths to avoid the poison gases entering their body. And then, they purifies the air using their healing magic. Wendy transform herself into Dragon Force to increase her speed, clairvoyance, strength,etc. Chelia uses her Sky God Boreas hitting the huge rocks above the poison dragon in order to trap the poison dragon inside of it. Then, there's an attack coming from the ice dragon hitting Chelia but Wendy pushes Chelia away then she runs so fast. And finally the poison dragon freezes inside the rock.

Wendy: Are you ok?
Chelia: Yes. Thanks for saving me.
Wendy: Let's fight those remaining dragons.

Wendy and Chelia split up in order to finnish those dragons quickly. Wendy will be fighting the ice dragon, fire dragon and the earth dragon. While Chelia will be fighting the water dragon and the lightning dragon.

Wendy's Battle

Wendy hits the head of an ice dragon using her wind fists, the ice dragon became unconscious for a while. Then, there's a huge fire coming from the fire dragon hitting her and then she manipulates the air pushing the huge fire to hit the ice dragon directly to the body. And finally, the ice dragon's body burned into ashes.

Meanwhile with Chelia's Battle

Chelia uses her huge amount of black winds creating a huge dragon made up of black winds. The water dragon will be firing Chelia but then, the black wind dragon that she created releases huge cool black wind tornado hits the water dragon and the water dragon freezes and turns into an ice dragon statue.

Back to Wendy's Battle with Fire Dragon

The fire dragon releases the large amount of fire hitting her but she uses her Sky Dragon Roar to counter attack the fire dragon's attack. Wendy's roar in Dragon Force is much stronger than her usual roars in their tag team match at the magic class. And that's the reason why, the fire dragon blows away from the cave and then it burns like a roasted meat.

Wendy: I like roasted turkey!
Chelia: Focus Wendy! I'll cook roasted turkey for you later.
Wendy: Ok! There are only two dragons left!



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