She went out early from her flat, wanting to make sure that she'll arrive first at their office's building before her other workmates.

Yejin decided to focus on her untouched reports to be submitted in the next few business days. Making herself busy with her paperwork is a great escape from her broken heart in the meantime.

Until someone is knocking on her door.

"Yes, come in." She says.

It's Lee Jooyoung. She went closer to her and sits on one of the chairs in front of her office table.

"Son maenijoenim, we were already out of stock for some of our best-selling products. The invoicing team is currently having a hard time getting items from other branches for their extra inventories, and there's a customer in the releasing area waiting for her twelve boxes of orders." Jooyoung worriedly stated.

Yejin stops scanning the paper folds on her table and tapped her head using her right hand.

"Oh... I'm sorry Jooyoung-ah, I totally forgot to send a request for the products from the main branch's warehouse. As you may know, I was out of the office yesterday." Yejin frustratingly answered.

"It's okay, maenijeonim... But, can you call the last branch that the invoice team haven't contacted yet? I'm sure if you'll be the one to ask a request, they will spare at least twelve boxes for us."

"Okay, sure." Yejin took the telephone ready to dial the other branch's number... "Which branch it is?"

"Sacheon branch."

She paused. Fuck, of all the branches, why their branch?

Jooyoung waited for her to dailed the Sacheon branch's number, but still, Yejin didn't move.

"Son maenijeonim, are you okay? Maenijeonim?"

She froze. What if Bin will answer the call? What the fuck! She wanted to be professional as much as possible, but right now, she can't do it.

"Uhmm... Jooyoung-ah, I... I think I need to send a message first before calling them since as far as I know, that branch is also quite busy. Don't worry, I'll update you as soon as I can hear a response from them." She promised.

Since Jooyoung was also busy at their warehouse area and needs to go back immediately to her post, she just nodded to her manager and steps out from Yejin's office.

After Jooyoung closed the door, Yejin closes her eyes and covers her face using her hands. She's literally worried about the possible thought of calling the Sacheon branch and Bin will answer the call.

Minutes after, an idea popped up in her head. She can actually call directly to the Warehouse Manager of the Sacheon branch, so she instantly dialed the designated number.

Thankfully, the Warehouse Manager of Sacheon branch approved her request with no trouble. But before she ended the call after saying thank you, she asked one last question to the other line...

"Is your Head Manager on duty?" She asked, but tried her best to sound professional as much as possible.

While waiting for an answer from the other line, she already felt nervous.

Until she heard the Warehouse Head answered her question...

"Oh, no, Ms Son... Hyun maenijeonim is currently on leave for three days now. But, I think he will be back on Monday after his Jeju honeymoon trip."

She gulped hard. She froze. A big lump on her throat is making her hard to breathe. She wants to take back the question she asked earlier, but it's already too late.

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