Chapter 26: Tulip's lecture.

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"Tulip, dinner's ready". I informed her.

  She dropped the novella she was reading and walked up to the dining room.

  "Spaghetti!" She said in excitement as she settled down to eat it. The chair was bigger than her, so I carried her and put her on the chair.

  "I know you like it baby". I smiled, locking the door and closing all windows.

  She sniffed the food and licked her lips, her hair entering the food in the process.

  I leaped up to her, and packed her wavy hair into a ponytail. "Don't yet eat it baby. We haven't said our prayers". I told her, then walked to my seat.

  "Sister Delanie, is your leg getting any better?" She asked as she looked at me.

   I smiled, then nodded slowly.

"He was quite a gentleman, you know. Other guys wouldn't catch you on time while others would let you fall as a payback for your rudeness". She said, as I looked at her, still asking myself if she was the one talking.

  "I'm not rude, okay? I'm just...".

"Sister Delanie, you taught me never to lie".

"I'm not lying, okay? And what do you know about gentlemen?"

"A gentleman wouldn't only save you from breaking your skull, he'd also walk you home because he understands that you're a girl and walking alone at night isn't safe for you. Besides, you have a broken leg and you can't run in it. He showed all those qualities today"

  "Don't be deceived by a man's act of kindness. It might have ulterior motives". I told her.

"You're really superstitious, sister Delanie. I'm guessing that's why you didn't invite him to dinner".

"What dinner?"

"You don't know?!! Once a guy shows you kindness, you invite him to dinner to show your appreciation".

  "Tulip, that only happens in movies not real life". I told her.

  "Like I said, you're really superstitious. In all books that I've read, a well mannered lady treats the guy to dinner".

  "Well-mannered lady?!! Tul... How do you know I'm not a well mannered lady?... Besides I thought you were carried away with the books you were reading".

"Once in a while you have to be aware of what's going on around you". She said.

  I looked at her carefully.

  I think a lady is trapped inside Tulip's body. She's talking to mature for her age.

  "Okay baby. That's enough. No more books for you young lady". I said, as I was clueless on what next to say.

  "You know books are my life. You take it away from me, you take my life with it" she said as she demostrated.

  "Let's eat, Tulip. Say the prayers". I said, already exhausted from talking to her.  Then she prayed and almost immediately started eating.

  I thought about Tulip words as I picked up the fork to eat.

  She was right though. I was rude to him, but I've apologized already, so was it still necessary to invite him to our dinner. I'm guessing not. I still don't know when Cassinda and her mother will be back.

I got up, covered my food and walked to the living room. I had lost my appetite.


The sun rays hit my eyes, as I woke up to the morning light. I stretched my body and yawned as I got up from the couch. I observed my surroundings and saw Tulip laying on the other couch with a book on her face, our bags everywhere and the whole living room was untidy.

  I looked at my time and saw it was 7:20a.m. 
I jumped to my feet. I was late and I knew it. I must have slept off while thinking yesterday. 

I woke Tulip up and ordered her to bath  while I tidy up the living room and prepared today's breakfast.

  When I was done, Tulip had dressed up and walked down, as she settled for breakfast which was cereals. As she ate slowly as usual, I took the opportunity to clean up.

  After a while, I rushed out of the house, locking the door firmly. I rushed to school but because of my pained muscles, I couldn't help but leap-walk to school.

  I was late for work so I called my boss and told him I wasn't coming today. He told me it was okay that he was around and he could manage himself.

   "Hey, good morning". Santro said as he waited for me at my locker.

  "Hey. Good morning". I greeted back.

  "How's your leg now?" He asked. 

"Thank you. It's getting better now". I told him.

"I was worried". He said.

I smiled " You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. Besides, this is just a minor compared to the others I once had."

"Oh! I'm sure they were the results of your carelessness. I'm happy you're fine now". He joked.

I laughed although the joke wasn't very funny. "Thank you so much for yesterday. I appreciate it. And I'm also very sorry, for yesterday. Sometimes, I could be really grumpy". I told him.

  " I know. We all have our hard times". He said.

  "Yeah". I looked at my feet and gave a sad smile.

  "Okay. Have a nice day, Delanie. See you after school". He said and walked away.

  I waved at him. As I tried to open my locker, it was shut by someone's palm. I looked at the person and saw a brunette with a frown on her face.

  "You must be the Orphan girl". She spat.

  " What do you want?" I asked her, clearly not knowing the reason why she was here.

"You've been getting awfully close with that guy, these day-"

"No. Why would I?"

"You think you're smart, but you seem to forget that I'm also a girl like you".

" I don't know what you're talking about". I defended,as I tried to open my locker with force.

  "You know you do. Listen Orphan, the fact that Cassy isn't around doesn't mean you can mess or flirt with her guy. I'm her best friend and I'm supposed to be watching you for her. Don't let me catch you in another conversation with him except school work. Got it?" She said as she stretched forth her hand for a handshake, but I didn't reply the handshake.

  "You're not allowed to tell me how to run my life and as for him, I never liked him and I never will. He's not my taste. So don't worry about that". I told her straight to her face.

"That's good. The name is Michelle. Nice meeting you". She said as she stretched forth her hand further for a handshake. I looked away and pushed her by the side to leave me be.

  Then she walked away.  Towards the direction of where she was going, I saw other girls, snickering and whispering to each other.










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