who are they?

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Romanne POV

I get from my desk and when I go to grab my bag and I noticed this red string. “Oh, sweet Jenna dark dark chocolate pie,” I say in shock.

“What is it, Ro?” Remus asked me as he put his dark green messenger bag on his shoulder.
“It the red string” I gasp as I stare at my pinky.
“Sure,” said with a smug smile on his face.

“It is” I replied to his comment.

“Oh, of course, it is!” Remus agreed with me.

“Who are they?” I asked excitedly bouncing on the balls of my feet.

“Well, there was only 20 students in this class and some were missing, there were probably being lea…” Remus pointed out but could not finish because I interrupted him.

“Yeah, we should get to our next class, or our we are going to just send here?” I added jokingly. I walk out the classroom with a spring in my step, Remus followed behind me with his hands on the back of his head.

“If the zombie apocalypse actually happened today, most people would die trying to film the zombies instead of focusing on survival” Remus suddenly exacted.

“Sure” I replied, I wasn't listening to him, I was thinking about my soulmate.

“Anyway I've got biology and I hope we're going to dissecting something!” He pointed out excitedly.

“On the first day, I don't think so,” I remarked sceptically.

“The school been open for four weeks,” Remus corrected, with I had completely forgotten about.

“Well, I have English, so I should get going,” I Said walking away,

“Ok, see you lunch then sis” he replied.

“You too” I called out as I went to class. I was good at English. Well, the creative writing part, not analyzing the literature part. I find that so boring, but I love to write stories and poems.

I made my went to class, English was on the other side of the school then history, so I made it just in time for class.

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