Chapter 6: Guilty Lies

Start from the beginning

When I got out, I felt nice and clean. I quickly got dressed, and brushed my hair. I hurried back to my room and grabbed my bag. I climbed down the stairs as fast as I could. Maybe I could take some food from the kitchen with me? Or at the very least, eat something before I leave? I walked into the kitchen. Mom- er no- Caroline was making breakfast. French toast I think. It smelt good, and french toast was my favorite. Maybe I could eat some before I leave. Caroline must have noticed me because she placed a plate of french toast on the island in the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetpea. How did you sleep?" Caroline smiled.

"Good." I mumbled sitting down.

"Are you feeling okay? You look pale." Caroline fretted.

I didn't answer. I only quietly ate my french toast. Dad- no- Aiden came in. He piled his plate with french toast. Aiden sat down next to me, and began to eat the massive pile in front of him. He glanced at me.

"Have a lot of schoolwork? Your backpack looks full." Aiden observes.

"Yeah. I have a few big projects." I forced my voice to be steady.

"Oh that reminds me! I need to get your photos!" Caroline realized.

"From Kylie?" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Aiden looked scared.

"Nothing." I replied quickly, finishing my french toast.

"What did you say Evelyn?" Mom prompted gently.

I felt an unexpected feeling bubble in me. I felt angry. No furious. I had never felt furious before. Caroline had always said I was her sweet quiet child.

"I asked if you got the photos from Kylie yet." I said flatly.

Aiden went pale and quiet. Caroline only looked at me kindly. She was terribly trying to hide that she was horrified.

"Kylie? Evelyn, we don't know who that is." Caroline lied.

"Yes you do." I insisted.

"You must have had a bad dream. There's no one named Kylie." Mom looked at me pleadingly.

"So you don't know who Annie, Calvin, or Joshua is either?" My voice came out emotionless.

"Kylie? Annie? Calvin? Joshua? I'm sorry Evelyn, I'm not quite following you." One look at Caroline's face and you could tell she was lying.

I felt a surge of anger wash through my body. Why would she lie about something so serious?

"Gosh! Do you not know who your sister, niece, nephew, or brother in law is?!" I hissed loudly and angrily.

"Evelyn! Don't talk to your mother like this! Especially about such messed up lies!" Aiden shouted.

"What's messed up is you calling my aunt my mother, and not telling me about my real family!" I screamed.

The whole conversion before this had been fairly quiet, so I wasn't really surprised when I heard footsteps coming downstairs. Amelia came into the room; followed by Emerson and Finley.

"What's going on?" Amelia asked, still half asleep.

It was only 6:00 am, so it was understandable how they were so sleepy, and hadn't heard us beforehand.

"Did you know?!" I turned on Amelia.

"Woah! Calm down little sister!" Amelia took a small step back.

"I'm not you sister." I whispered, shrinking back.

Sadness overtook me. Why couldn't this be my family? A loving mother, a hardworking father, a crazy-fun sister, and two annoying brothers. I knew why. I just didn't fit in. Amelia gently touched my shoulder.

"What's wrong Evelyn? Of course you're my little sister.. Unless I'm somehow adopted." Amelia joked softly.

"You don't get it Amelia. I'm your cousin." I almost started crying.

"Evelyn. You must be sick. Mom and dad are both only children. We both know that." Amelia gave me a gentle side hug.

"Your wrong Amelia. You're wrong. You're so wrong." I felt sadder than I had ever been.

"Evelyn go lay down." Caroline ordered sharply from behind me.

"Why don't you tell my cousins about their aunt?" I asked, swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Cousins? We don't have any cousins!" Finley squeaked.

Emerson nodded quicker and harder than I thought humanly possible.

"Yes, you do. And I'm one of them. I'm not your older sister; I'm your older cousin." I explained blandly.

Both Finley and Emerson stared at me confused, hurt, surprised, angry, and so many more emotions. Caroline ran to them and started hugging them. As if trying to comfort them from the truth. She gave me a sorrowful look. Amelia looked confused, angry, and hurt. Aiden just looked concerned and angry.

"Evelyn! Stop these lies! You're upsetting everyone! Just go to your room!" He ordered.

"Just go lay down and get some rest. You're not feeling too well. Just go breath and clear your head before school, okay?" Caroline suggested softly.

I nodded and pulled the backpack onto both my shoulders. Their faces said it all. Both of them were guilty. They were horrified that I found the truth. But they were acting like this was some silly child nightmare instead of the life changing truth. I quickly walked towards the stairs. Right when I got to the stairs, I bolted to the back door just past the stairs. I ripped open the door and flew out. I jumped over the backyard fence, barely noticing it. I ran past the houses. I heard my former family yelling after me. I didn't look back. I streamed into the woods half a mile away. I started to speed walk once I entered the woods. I needed to get away. Maybe I could even find my family. My real family. I walked and walked. Never slowly down. It must have been hours, but I kept walking. Light came; I didn't notice. I started to slow down. I heard voices behind me, so I sprinted away. I kept running and running until I couldn't. I suddenly stopped, I couldn't run anymore. I couldn't even walk. I was too tired. I fell onto the ground. Somehow I managed to curl up in a small ball and fall into a deep, dark, dreamless sleep. 


 Thank you for reading this far. What did you think of this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next? Also, thank you for 102 reads! That's a big milestone for me! More thanks to janjungkook12, saphite12, and saiakharsh for following me! Thank you to Ask-A-Potato, Kittysmlady, BigMike2000, and SunnyDays2020 for reading this story since day 1! As always, have a awesome day/weekend!

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